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My Story
I specialise in helping unmotivated Retail workers escape the shop floor and feel human again! Believe me, I had to learn how to do it the hard way for myself, and I want it to be easier for you. I'm here to help you! I created the 'Learn Develop Live Method' to help you structure your next transformation, whether you currently work in Retail or trying to escape wherever you work right now! |
You can start today with the 'Learn Develop Live Method'
1. Identify your issue or pain What would you change right now if you could? What's stopping you from jumping out of bed and singing with the birds outside every day? 2. Learn and develop how you'll change The hard work begins! Discover what is holding you back or stopping you from smiling and see how you can flip it around for the better! 3. Live out that new change Ready... Set... Go! Start to put your new game plan into action, putting those changes into place each day and watch those good times happen... BOOM! 4. Levelled up! Rise and shine! Waking up with that missing spring in your step! Renewed energy, more confidence, stronger performance, motivation and a clear vision for your goals in life! Welcome back to feeling human again! |
I've worked with hundreds of people in the Retail world who have lost their spark and had their life zapped away thanks to working on the shop floor.
Everyone wants to have some direction in their life, both at home and work. To be clear about what makes you happy and tick in the world. Imagine waking up excited about life, knowing that you can finally do what 'you' want to do without caring about what others think?
What you thought was only a dream, can now become a reality!
I've worked with hundreds of people in the Retail world who have lost their spark and had their life zapped away thanks to working on the shop floor.
Everyone wants to have some direction in their life, both at home and work. To be clear about what makes you happy and tick in the world. Imagine waking up excited about life, knowing that you can finally do what 'you' want to do without caring about what others think?
What you thought was only a dream, can now become a reality!
In 2016, after 18 years, I escaped the Retail world!
Unless you've been a part of that shop floor, knowing how hard it is to escape makes that statement sound even more incredible!
Over those 18 years, I'd worked most weekends, late shifts and every Christmas period. They were uncertain environments knowing that the next customer argument over a refund they weren't entitled to was just around the corner, listening out for those three bells to ring.
Over those 18 years, I'd worked most weekends, late shifts and every Christmas period. They were uncertain environments knowing that the next customer argument over a refund they weren't entitled to was just around the corner, listening out for those three bells to ring.
I felt burnt out, unmotivated, stuck and lost most days.
Retail was the only thing I knew anything about, its the only thing I did my whole working life. Dealing with the difficult customers, getting a shop floor looking decent and just about surviving until the end of my shift. This was the daily grind, and a grind it was.
"Was my life going to flash by while my children grew up with me still working at the weekend or 11pm again?"
With my 18th year in retail coming, it was time for a change, not like my previous moves, but to cut my ties from the world of retail altogether!
I looked at what other people had done, I'd met hundreds of people, maybe a thousand or more during those 18 years, but not everyone moved to another retailer. I learnt about 'transferable skills', something I never really knew about, a real game changer! I was surprised at just what I could bring to a different career. Being organised, attention to detail, and customer service, even 'working under pressure' is a skill people look for! |
The short story here is I escaped. I don't want to say I left, because it felt more like an escape and an incredible feeling when I landed a job outside of retail, jumping up and punching the air - yes that is no Hollywood moment, I really did!
The feeling of relief, some of that constant gloomy cloud over my head started to get lighter with a ray of sunshine coming through!
The feeling of relief, some of that constant gloomy cloud over my head started to get lighter with a ray of sunshine coming through!
Welcome to, Learn Develop Live!
I always said, when I get out of retail, I was going to do something that helps people. That something became, 'Learn Develop Live'.
The 'Learn Develop Live method' would later be created to help someone special like you identify an issue or pain you currently have, learn and develop how you'll change that before putting your new change into action and living your life on a higher level!
With 'Learn Develop Live' brought to life, I needed to back my own experience up with the right tools for this.
I was able to complete a coaching qualification with the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), this was just the beginning of the journey I'm currently on right now.
The office environment, just like the shop floor back in retail, opened up a brand new array of people just like you and me that needed some purpose, some meaning to why they were dragging themselves out of bed each day. Its all about finding the right questions for your answers.
Becoming accredited in coaching and mentoring gave me a solid foundation of how best to start to help people with their pains and issues, those sticking points that haunt you every day.
I'm also a qualified Mental Health First Aider with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England... you never stop learning!
So tell me, are you happy?
After my own experiences back in the retail game, I have seen and felt the pain and anxiety people develop being on that shop floor day after day. I have felt the pressures of being in what can be a hectic environment trying to get everything done from the Head Office instructions to the endless amount of deliveries being sent in.
I have done the early morning shifts, the late night shifts, and the overnight shifts. The unsocial hours and missing out on family and friends whilst they enjoy themselves and you are picking up products that someone has just dumped on the floor.. while you continually ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?"
I have done the early morning shifts, the late night shifts, and the overnight shifts. The unsocial hours and missing out on family and friends whilst they enjoy themselves and you are picking up products that someone has just dumped on the floor.. while you continually ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?"
Why are you still doing this?
If you are one of those people working in retail that wonders if there is more to life, I can assure you, there is. If you are feeling stuck, unsure or maybe trapped in your current situation, whatever that is, I would really like to help you. My mission now is to help retail workers who are feeling unmotivated, escape the shop floor, work on their mindset to relaunch themselves and feel energised again. |
If you are that someone - it's your time to start your transformation to a better life and 'level up!'
Now its your turn!
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