If you have been paying for utilities, you know how these bills can get out of hand. For instance, electricity bills can sometimes come in massive figures during the peak of summer. Therefore, everything you do to cut down on costs counts. If you are in that situation, here are tips and tricks to add to your cost-saving bucket. Unplug what is not in use
Are you one of those who leave everything plugged in? This habit can be detrimental to your finances, especially when it comes to paying the bills at the end of the month. So, what is the solution? Unplugging everything is the best way to reduce your electricity bills. This is mainly because plugged-in devices and appliances tend to draw in phantom charges that keep the bills high. Because of the technology in most homes today, the chances are the phantom charge alone could be driving your power usage to the ceiling. On the other hand, unplugging devices before rushing out of the house can be a task. Therefore, you can use alternative smart power strips and extension codes to get the job done. Watch out for leaks Water wastage is another reason for always hiking bills at the end of the month. And the worst part is that water can be wasted in many ways, some of which may go unnoticed. For instance, leaking pipes may be draining more from your wallet every month without you noticing. Check and repair leaks, be it from dripping faucets or toilets. Additionally, there are things you can do on your own at home without involving a plumber. For instance, running toilets that send gallons of water down the drain can be repaired at home. All you need is a YouTube tutorial for tips. In addition, make sure you turn off faucets all the way. In most cases, you may find yourself turning it off partly, leaving room for leaks that make your water bills unbearable. Still, on minimizing water wastage, you can invest in high-quality water pumps, tanks, and other products from Slater pumps to help you harvest rainwater during rainy seasons and use it later on. This way, you will be keeping the bills as low as possible. Insulate Poor or no insulation makes your living space cold during the winter months and hot during summer. This alone can raise your utility bills to unbearable levels. The solution would be to invest in better insulation for your walls and attic. However, be sure to eliminate drafts first since insulation does not stop airflow. Control your thermostat Keeping your home warm or cool when nobody is home is a way of adding hundreds of dollars to your utility bills. Therefore, you have to learn to control your thermostat, especially when people are not in the house. Do not set it too high or too low when no one is actually enjoying the comfort it offers. The bottom line Keeping your utility bills as low as possible is one of the best financial decisions you can make this year. Learn to switch off lights in unused rooms, use less water, and manage your appliances.
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Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024