First of all, Happy New Year!
Okay, now we have the usual new year’s greetings out the way, you can even play a game and see how many times you've heard it! So it’s the whole ‘new year, new you’ philosophy coming from many people, the time for change in their lives, weight loss, go to the gym more, new job, more time with family, the list goes on! How about some stats that the Huffington Post came up with in December 2016 in the build-up for 2017. On average, 8% of people that do have New Year’s Resolutions will follow through with them, but what about the other 92%? Most people that quit the resolutions will ditch the ideas around three weeks later after starting which strangely enough works alongside the twenty one day average it normally takes for something to become a part of your daily routine! There will be plenty of guides to how to make your resolution work and it really is down to your will power and just how much you want to make it happen. If you want to lose weight, slowly cut down on the amount you eat, if you just cut it all out straight away, you could go into a meltdown and your body will be craving all sorts! If you want to exercise more, start slowly, go for a run for a few minutes and every few days, run a little bit longer! You will more than likely know the above two, but get yourself started and see how far you can get! The final thought on the whole New Year's Resolutions, you really could start anytime, don't leave it until the 1st January to get going! Good luck!
Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024