Most people can clearly recognise that serious cruel or violent treatment like abuse or neglect, can have a lasting impact on anyone, especially children. But there are also toxic parenting strategies that don't although don't hit those same level of extreme levels of abuse, can have devastating effects long term.
Families can appear great on the outside, but behind closed doors, it can be a very different story. Entrepreneur has the '10 Toxic Things Parents Do That Make Their Children Less Functional in Adulthood'...
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As a parent or guardian, your job is to make sure your kids, and the family as a whole, are in wonderful shape. You have to take good care of them, teach them, and make sure their well-being is in a good place. You’ll always push them to achieve higher grades and become the human that you want them to be. For a lot of kids, however, it’s quite difficult to teach them a few things and to keep them motivated. Of course, they don’t have huge responsibilities, but they’ll form habits that could stay with them for the rest of their lives. This is important. Motivating kids is very important and not every parent can do it. Here are a few ways it can be done.
Give them a reason to chase the things they want For a lot of kids, the idea of wanting something can only last so long. They get shiny new toy syndrome and want the next thing that pops into their heads. You have to make sure they understand why they wanted something so badly and what it can do for them in the long term. Allow them to understand what the likes of work and perseverance can do. Positive reinforcement Kids are sensitive. Adults are either the type that needs the arm around the shoulder or a stern talking to. Kids, on the other hand, will need positivity all of the time. Being shouted at just won’t help at all. Being harsh on them will just drive them away and make them go into their shell. Remember this. Provide motivational content While you don’t need to provide anything too deep, it’s probably wise to make sure that your kids get motivational content alongside your work. It’s amazing what Famous Motivational Speakers can do to pretty much anyone. They can take us from negative to positive very quickly. If they’re in a bit of a sticky patch, then they can come up with all kinds of ideas and thoughts to motivate them. Allow them to understand how important focus and learning is Most kids don’t want to learn new things. The thought of being schooled will just remind them of the tedious and annoying stuff they have to do every weekday. If you simply let them know what educating can actually do, however, then you could have a much more driven and focused kid on your hands. Set goals and achievable tasks Every single human being in the world becomes more motivated when they know they have boxes to tick and goals to achieve. When we have them right in front of us, we want to complete them and do them in style. The feeling of getting certain things done is wonderful and it makes us want to do it again and again. Your kids will be just as giddy when getting these kinds of things done. If you want to motivate them, then giving them things to do and goals to achieve will help with their attitude and their pursuit. No stimuli at all will likely bore them to pieces. If you want to make sure that your child achieves the most in terms of their academic performance, it’s important to play your part in that process as a parent. You can’t simply expect them to succeed if you’re not supporting them in the correct ways.
But what does that look like and what can you do to make sure that your child’s grades are as strong as they possibly can be going forward? We’re going to talk about all of that today, so read on and find out more. Take an interest in their education First of all, you should try to take a more active interest in their education and the path they’re taking. When you know what they’re doing at school, what they’re learning about, and which subject areas they most want to pursue, you’ll be closer to your child and also get better at helping and assisting them with their learning. So this is always the first thing you need to do if you want to support them better. Listen to their struggles It’s also important to be there to listen to the things that they’re dealing with. From the point of view of a parent, this is something that’s useful for a number of reasons. When you stop to listen to what they’re going through, you can support and reassure them. You can also find new ways to help them with those specific struggles in mind. It’s always easier to help as a parent when you know what your child is actually struggling with. Help them set goals Setting goals is something that can be very helpful for them as well. When you set goals as a team, you can make sure that you help them understand what their goals should be and that they’re staying on the right track. Most children don’t do well with planning ahead and setting goals, so as a parent it definitely makes sense if you help them as much as possible with this whole process. They then have something to aim for and work towards. Coordinate with their teachers It can be hard for you alone to understand how your child is performing at school because you're not there seeing it play out. Their teachers, however, are. And that’s why you should always try to stay in regular contact with their teachers and why you should listen to the feedback that they’re giving you regarding your child’s performance in the classroom. You can use the information they give you to help you do more for your child at home. Find them the right tutor Sometimes, all it takes is a little extra help and support outside the classroom. When you can make the right decisions regarding their tutor and the kind of help they get, they can push ahead and exceed the expectations of their teachers. There are so many benefits of tuition that you might want to explore before you decide whether or not this is something that might benefit your child and what they’re able to achieve in terms of their grades going forward. Encourage interests and activities outside the classroom It’s always important for your child to have interests and pursuits outside of school too, and that’s something you definitely shouldn’t overlook. If you want them to make progress and get the grades that you feel they deserve to achieve, they’ll need a degree of balance in their life. And that comes from doing fun things and spending time on the things that interest them too. There’s nothing wrong with that can be very healthy. Establish some healthy routines Finally, you should try to establish some healthy routines that help your child to stay on the right path with their education. When they get out of bed early, start the day in a healthy way and feel alert and focused during school hours, that’ll really benefit their education and make it more likely that they’ll achieve the grades they’re ultimately capable of achieving. So those routines really are essential. So if you want the very best for your child and their educational attainment going forward, be sure to make the most of the tips and ideas that we’ve shared here today. Each of them will help your child reach their full potential and get to where they want to be in terms of their education. So be sure to make the most of them and do your best to support your child. |
Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024