First of all, ‘Happy New Year!’
Now if you’re currently enjoying a hangover from last night or you are feeling fresh after your first morning run of the year, I hope it’s been amazing so far! So we have the nice bits out the way, now let’s talk about new starts! It's January, new start, New Year’s Resolutions are set to start, some people who do polls and stuff like that, say that in the end, only 8% of the people that wanted to make some ‘new resolutions’ actually make it to the end of the year, it’s like that 365 day race to the finish line with very few that make it to the finish line. So what’s it to be then, do you want to become healthier or more active and run all over the world, see more of your friends and family? Each of those are possible, each of those can be done… IF you want to do it enough. Whatever it is that you are doing to make your resolution come true, go for a run before work or the gym on the way home, research (yes that word again) says that if you can manage to make whatever you are doing to make your resolution happen and include it in your routine for 21 days, it becomes a habit.. Make it a good habit! There are thousands of different guides to help you kick start a resolution, but here is the quick guide to hopefully help you make them happen. Just one resolution… concentrate on getting one thing sorted, trying to juggle more than one thing at a time won’t help! Think about what you are going to do, not just start it. Failing to plan is planning to fail and all that. Friends and family supporting you can help keep you encouraged to keep going when you do hit those moments of doubt.\n Having one goal is a common mistake, you need to break down those goals with benchmarks. Try set a realistic goal each month to help try and keep that resolution on track. This is always probably the most mentioned pointer from all the guides. It’s going to take time, start slowly to help alter your routine. Cutting down on your smoking week by week will eventually see you not having any because you will be used to not having any. Expect to stumble! There will be hiccups, there will be slips, there will be days you aren’t able to keep to the plan but you can still ‘get back on the saddle’ as they say! This isn’t a point but more a question to why you need the 1st January to be when you start making changes in your life, you could start ANYTIME… It’s all down to YOU! Now enough of me waffling, get that resolution started and good luck, “Use the force” and all that!
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Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024