Sometimes you get in a slump. You feel like the same ol' same ol' just isn't going to cut it. You start questioning yourself. What is going on? What am I doing? You try new things. You make changes. You try to motivate yourself. You ask for advice. But nothing seems to work. You are stuck in a rut. Can you get out of it?
When you feel like you are in a rut you need to find out why. If you don't know why you will keep repeating the same ol' same ol' and that is not acceptable to you. Sometimes you might even start questioning your parents. Your parents are there to help you and guide you. If they are not helping you is it so wrong for them to be guiding you in different directions? Maybe your parents have different ideas on how to make things better. Do you want to follow their different ideas or do you want to go your own way. Maybe you want to try something new. Be prepared for the unexpected. I'm not sure how to get out of my slump. But here are a few pointers which might help you out. If you follow these pointers you will start to see a different light. And this light will lead you to get out of your rut. 1. Understand and accept that what you are doing (or not doing) is your business This is the first thing you need to do is to accept and understand that what you are doing is your business. It is not anybody else's business to tell you what to do. Everybody is entitled to their own business. You are entitled to yours. If somebody else is running your business they are just running it in order to make you feel guilty. If they don't make you feel guilty they make you feel like you are useless and unimportant. When you accept that what you are doing or not doing is your business it is a lot easier to stop noticing it and the more you notice it the easier it will be to change it. When you can accept that what you are doing is not anybody else's business to do then you are ready to accept the guidance and help from the people who really do know what they are doing. 2. Take responsibility for your own business It is your own business. Whether you are doing well or poorly your business is up to you. If you need some help you can seek it from your family, friends or work colleagues. But do not ask your boss or your boss's boss to take responsibility for your performance or losses. It would just make you feel guilty. It is great when people recognize that their business is their own responsibility. They will give you proper direction and help to improve you performance and results. It is a great feeling when people take responsibility for their own business. When you take responsibility for your own business you will feel accomplished. Not only that but it will lead you to feel fulfilled and at peace with yourself. Feeling fulfilled and peaceful will help you maintain a healthy amount of behaviours. This will surely help you to stop thinking negatively about yourself. This will surely help you to start seeing the sun again and not just the dashboard of your car which is a very unhealthy place to live in.
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Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024