It's been said many times, and along with the studies and research that has gone on, that, a banging tune is sometimes all you need to 'sort you out!'
Whatever your taste is, music can have an incredible effect on both your feeling and 'get up and go' that can sometimes lack! I currently have a 'Jaguar Skills' track blaring in my earphones on a tube travelling around North London (and it's Camden Town as I type this for all those tube and travel fans!) I'm no scientist as you know, but what exactly is it that gets the adrenaline pumping from listening to your favourite tunes even if you are still sitting at the same desk looking at the same spreadsheet sitting on your screen? Well that's a great question! The quick science answer talks about "music causing slight variations in physiological characteristics like respiration, heart rate and muscle tension." My own unofficial answer is, well it just wakes up your brain and the beat gets you moving. Whatever way you look at it, music can be the influence you need to kick start whatever it is you want to be doing.. even that exciting spreadsheet! So, earphones in (especially if you are in that quiet office) get your favourite tracks playing and watch that work get done.. unless you got up to have a dance instead!
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Author - Chris
Author, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
October 2024