For many people, fitness is not about attempting to sculpt a chiselle six-pack or being able to run a marathon in under three hours. It’s simply about staying in good nick. Being able to say, without crossing your fingers, that you are a reasonably healthy adult. Coach Magazine has the perfect guide to keeping yourself fit regardless of how old you are!
If you’ve started to notice that you get out of breath after one flight of stairs, it’s time to work on your fitness. The good news is that it won’t take that long to improve no matter what type of exercise you choose. Think a month or two, if not a few weeks, although of course some disciplines will help you improve faster than others. Coach Magazine has the full story!
For hay fever sufferers, running in summer can be tricky. Runner's World has everything you need to know about hay fever and running, and what you can do to ensure it doesn’t affect your performance..
After weeks of lockdown, there could be a lift in people returning to work but what can you do to boost your immune system to get you ready? The Sun has a few ideas..
Did you know that a rough morning can ruin anyone's day? Fast Company have five tips on how to get your morning off to the right start!
Its been said that you need three 'energy boosts' a day to keep yourself going! The Mirror has a top 50 list of ideas to keep you moving forward!
You've had a hard day at work and once you come home, the TV goes on and you sit there for the rest of the night watching the same shows you've seen before! The Muse has 15 things you could be doing instead of freshen life up and not leave you feeling so tired!
We’d all like to be a little happier wouldn't we but there is so much that is out of your control which determines that happiness. Quartz takes a look at the outside influences...
Its a fact that runners get injured but this isn't due to the actual running but instead it could be down to how you train or support yourself during your running. Runners World has the advice you could need..
With the way the world is at the moment, it's more important than ever you look after your emotional health as well as the physical. explains why..
With everyone cooped up in lockdown and the gyms now closed, it might seem quite hard to get active. The Sun has a guide to how you can get moving!
In the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, social distancing means more time at home. Whether you’re working from home, taking care of your kids or scrolling through the news 24/7, these disruptions and uncertainties can make sticking to your weight loss goals that much harder. has the strategies that could help you!
Staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak can be an isolating time for many people, with some worried about how they will manage to keep in touch with family and friends without seeing them.
Video calling is one way of keeping up communication, but is it as effective as seeing someone in real life? Head over to Sky News to find out more! If, like many runners out there, you're taking your workouts indoors at the moment, you'll probably be looking for some inspiration. Here, we've got a 28 day home workout plan from GB heptathlete-turned PT, Louise Hazel with Runner's World...
If cardio isn't your thing and you miss pumping those weights at the gym, how about taking a look at "The 5 Best At-Home Workout Plans" from Fitness Volt to help keep building that muscle! If you're working from home and feel groggy in the mornings, the fix couldn't be easier! Runner's World has the help at hand...
If you are in need of some inspiration whilst being stuck indoors, there's plenty of ideas out there! You can be inspired at
One day, Lexi Reed just had enough! Joining forces with her husband, there was a 295 lbs weight loss! has the story!
It's an age old question that has been asked thousands and thousands of times before, probably more but people still struggle with it. has a new fresh prospective for you..
We've all had those moments when you've lost your mojo and it even happens with your fitness journey! has some inspirational words!
Losing weight could be as simple as getting a good night's sleep! The Sun has the details on this theory!
For those of you that don't like talking about poo, maybe its time to read another story, but for those of you that do, here is some good news about your mental health! A recent study has shown that going for a poo is actually good for your mental health! UNILad has more!
We all know that running can make you fitter but there are also some other surprising reasons to why you should lace up your trainers and get out there! Runners World can give you 9 surprising reasons!
Cristiano Ronaldo recent health check said he was the equivalent of a 23-year-old! Click over to LADBible to read more about the diet that keeps arguably the world's best at the top of his game!
The UK is known globally as a lover of tea and now drinking the hot beverage at least three times a week can help you live longer and healthier! UNILad has more on what tea lovers can read while having a brew!
It's been said many times before but science has the proof to say that plants do make you happier and healthier! has the science behind the plants!
Author - ChrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
July 2022