When the temperatures start to soar, its instinctive to want to strip off and cool down, whack the fan on and have each window open! The Sun has 11 tips to help you snore well tonight!
"Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years."
Whoever came up with this quote was definitely on to something. Gardens are special peaceful spaces with restorative qualities that can work wonders when we are stressed and under pressure. Stress is a worldwide 21st century problem that can cause physical problems such as higher blood pressure, muscle tension and digestive problems, while long-term stress can lead to serious health issues including depression and anxiety. So many of us homeowners find ourselves wishing for a back deck, patio or gazebo space for entertaining or just relaxing outdoors. Everybody has a different vision for what they want that space to look like - some love the idea of a screened in porch with an a tin roof, others want an open and sunny deck space with weather-treated wood, and some of us just want a small gazebo with comfortable furniture, tucked in a shady spot away from the elements. No matter what sort of outdoor space you’re interested in, you can build something that will stand the test of time in durability, provide your family with hours of fun and relaxation, and up the property value of your home - all while staying on budget. So what do you need for your perfect outdoor addition? That’s up to everyone’s individual taste, but there are definitely some decisions to make before you get started. Here’s what to consider: Location Are you building a deck or patio just off the back door, or do you prefer to build a deck space around another point in the yard, such as a pool or pond? Do you want to build a gazebo or small patio in a garden or shaded area? While off-the-house decks and porches are the most popular, many people elect to build outdoor areas in other parts of their yard. Deciding your location should be your first step, because this determines the shape and size of your deck, as well as the materials you’ll need. Think of what you want to get out of your outdoor addition. That will help you decide where it is best located. Materials Most decks and gazebos are made of wood, while patios can be as simple as a concrete slab just off the house, wood, or something else entirely. In recent years, composite materials have also become popular for deck and porch building, for those who don’t wish to utilize wood. There are plenty of things to consider when deciding what materials to use for building - what matches/goes with your house, whether or not it’s weather/sun proof (and if not, can it be easily treated), cost, and more. Take the time to research different building materials to determine what fits with your style and budget. Once you’ve got building materials out of the way, now you’ve got to decide about the rest of the project materials. Do you want to screen in your deck? There are many different types of screens, shades, and more to choose from. Will you use carpet for flooring and keep the natural wood? For the roof of your structure, if you have one, what type of materials would you like? There are many roofing options, from insulated roof panels to steel, to wood planking, and more. Will your structure have doors and windows, or will it be more basic? You should also think about safety measures for any steps or ramps you install. Design/Furnishing Once you’ve got all the building materials sorted, you’ll want to think about how to finish your deck. Will you stain the flooring? Paint? Use carpet? Purchase weather shading? For many, decorating their deck space and making it their own is the best part of building a new outdoor structure. Making sure to buy durable materials that will stand the test of time through sun and rain is really important. The same is true for any furniture you buy for your outdoor space. There are all sorts of amazing tables, benches, settees and accessories for outdoor spaces, but not all are created equal. Some brands are more about flash and appearance than durability. You want furnishings and decorations that won’t fall apart the first time it rains. And investing in a tarp to protect these items in harsh winters is a good idea, too. If you live in an area with a lot of pests, up the comfort of your family and your guests by investing in a few citronella plants or candles to keep around. These come in a variety of styles, sizes and options so you can pick something that matches your decor and keeps pesky bugs like mosquitos and ticks away. Making an outdoor space your own is so much fun. Get creative with various plants and flowers, outdoor accessories such as vases and collectibles, match your cushions and furniture to the decor of your home, and be sure to have lots of seating for all the guests who will inevitably arrive to enjoy your outdoor space! Security If you use your outdoor space to store valuable items such as elaborate grills or smokers, or sports equipment like bikes, you may want to invest in some security and keep the outdoor space locked up when it’s not in use. Many screen doors come with high-quality locks and deadbolts. You can also equip your outdoor space with your security system, though this can be tricky in rural areas, due to nocturnal animals that may come rummaging around the property. At the very least, some security lights are a good idea. It’s advisable not to use your outdoor spaces for storage of expensive items unless you have a good security measure in place. While some people are content to design and build their own decks, porches, patios and gazebos, there are plenty of people who hire a designer to do the hard work for them. However you choose to build yourself an outdoor structure is totally up to you; there’s great design firms everywhere as well as amazing and easy to follow DIY plans online. Whatever route you decide to go, as long as you choose the right building materials, follow a well thought out plan, and build a safe, accessible and secure structure, the finished result will be an outdoor addition that will give your family and friends relaxation, joy and fun for years to come. However you paint, stain, decorate or furnish your outdoor living spaces, they are guaranteed to be a beneficial addition to any home. If you’re one of many who have had to make the adjustment to working remotely, you probably know by now that it can be harder than it looks. Fitbit.com has some ideas on how to make it all work!
From dehydration, exhaustion, sunstroke and trouble sleeping, the hot weather can impact us all and we've got the advice to help. The Sun has a few tips and tricks we keep up our sleeves...
We all very often plod along in our lives, never really thinking about our health. Unless we feel ill, we’re probably not ill, right?
Wrong! Many major health problems will hide, undiagnosed, and not spotted for a long time before we finally notice them. Some health problems will creep up on us very slowly; the symptoms may be there for some time; however, they appear so gradually that they become hard to spot. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the checkups you should have carried out on a regular basis to make sure you’re in the best health possible. Check-In On Your Mental Health One of the areas of health that is often neglected is our mental health. Mental health problems might be hard to spot. You may just put mental health problems down to being unhappy or stressed about a particular part of your life; however, they could be caused by genuine illnesses. Start checking in on your mental health on a regular basis. Stop and think about how you feel a few times each day. You only need to think about it for a few seconds, just identify whether you are feeling happy, sad, anxious, or numb. Look for patterns in your mood, and think about how much sleep and exercise you’ve had. Set yourself up a plan to help you take better care of your mental health. Get these tools in place now, and when you really need them, they will be a habit. Find a few minutes each day to meditate or breathe deeply. Focus on eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and do your best to plenty of exercise. If your mental health problems are affecting your life and you find that you feel depressed for a prolonged period, visit your doctor and get professional help. You may need medication or talking therapy to help you manage your depression or anxiety, or you may have another mental health problem that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Get A Sex Checkup If you’re sexually active, you should have a sex checkup once in a while. Checking for sexually transmitted infections is important, as many STIs are hard to spot. Unless you are trying for a baby, make sure that you are using a suitable form of contraception. There are several different types of contraception, find a solution that works for you, your body, and your lifestyle, but don’t leave it to chance. Speak to your doctor if you need further advice. Have a Full Physical Checkup As you age, you will become more susceptible to different health problems. Many health problems gradually build up without you noticing. Problems like high blood pressure can be dealt with if they are caught early enough. For this reason, it’s essential to have a full health checkup regularly. A full body checkup will provide you with a full diagnostic scan of your entire body. This may include looking at your heart, lungs, liver, and kidney. Your doctor will be checking on how you are now, and whether you have any signs of any abnormalities that need to be addressed. A health checkup can help to give an early warning of symptoms associated with fatal diseases like cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and digestive diseases. If there are any instances of pre-existing diseases or a family history of a particular hereditary illness, then it is essential that you get these conditions checked as often as your doctor recommends. Speak with your doctor and find out about getting your full health check-up. Visit The Dentist It’s very easy to put off going to visit your dentist. Many people have a phobia of the dentist, while for others, it is easy to put off visiting the dentist because of commitments in their life. Your dental care is essential. Tooth decay can lead to infections, which can be very painful. Problems with your teeth can also affect the confidence that you have in your smile. Even if you have no pains in your gums or your teeth, you should still make an appointment to see your dentist every six months. Your dentist will be able to spot the early warning signs of dental issues such as tooth decay or gum disease. They’ll then be able to help you to stop these problems, becoming something more substantial. Make your appointment with the dentist today. Taking Better Care Of Your Hearing Your hearing is important. Your hearing helps you to spot the signs of danger around you. It helps you to learn and understand the world around you. It also allows you to hear your loved ones, communicates with other people, and get pleasure from sounds such as music or bird song. So, without your hearing, you’d be missing out on quite a bit. Over time, the ability to hear may diminish; you may only associate hearing loss with older people; however, it can, in fact, come on at any age in life. It can be caused by an infection, a build-up of ear wax, or an exposure to loud noises. You might not notice the early signs of hearing loss yourself. It might take others to point out that you appear to be struggling. The first signs of hearing loss might be that you start to mishear the things that people are saying to you. You may especially struggle when you can’t see the other person speaking. For example, if they are on the phone. You may also experience difficulties hearing the people you are with when there are other sounds around you. These are all signs that you should get your hearing tested. All of this can easily be avoided. Make an appointment with an audiologist or a hearing aid specialist, or go and see your doctor. It may be possible that you can save or restore your hearing with medication or through the use of a hearing aid, before it is too late. When it comes to reducing your risk of getting sick, you can’t beat washing your hands and not touching your face. But something you already do is also helping to keep your immune system in top condition so it can better fight off all viruses: working out. Fitbit.com has the good word...
When you're sitting at home in lockdown, you might find yourself reaching in the snack jar more than you’d like to admit... we've all done it! There is now also the fear of gaining the so-called "Quarantine 15" - what some people have dubbed the weight gain likely to result from weeks of self-isolation. The Sun has a guide with some words of advice!
For hay fever sufferers, running in summer can be tricky. Runner's World has everything you need to know about hay fever and running, and what you can do to ensure it doesn’t affect your performance..
When it comes to losing weight, mindset matters. Positive habits such as celebrating small successes, focusing on positive self-talk and practising mindfulness could help you lose more weight — and keep it off — than dwelling on negative thinking. myfitnesspal.com has the theory on this...
Regardless of your age or level of fitness, walking is possibly the easiest form of exercise, but for those of you who want to loss weight, just how much do you need to do to lose weight? myfitnesspal.com may have the answer for you..
After weeks of lockdown, there could be a lift in people returning to work but what can you do to boost your immune system to get you ready? The Sun has a few ideas..
During this stressful time, some people may be experiencing more stress than normal. There are plenty of techniques and methods out there, but Coach Magazine has advice on how athletes deal with when the stress of training begins to take its toll.
Did you know that a rough morning can ruin anyone's day? Fast Company have five tips on how to get your morning off to the right start!
Its been said that you need three 'energy boosts' a day to keep yourself going! The Mirror has a top 50 list of ideas to keep you moving forward!
You've had a hard day at work and once you come home, the TV goes on and you sit there for the rest of the night watching the same shows you've seen before! The Muse has 15 things you could be doing instead of freshen life up and not leave you feeling so tired!
We’d all like to be a little happier wouldn't we but there is so much that is out of your control which determines that happiness. Quartz takes a look at the outside influences...
Its a fact that runners get injured but this isn't due to the actual running but instead it could be down to how you train or support yourself during your running. Runners World has the advice you could need..
With the way the world is at the moment, it's more important than ever you look after your emotional health as well as the physical. myprotein.com explains why..
With everyone cooped up in lockdown and the gyms now closed, it might seem quite hard to get active. The Sun has a guide to how you can get moving!
In the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, social distancing means more time at home. Whether you’re working from home, taking care of your kids or scrolling through the news 24/7, these disruptions and uncertainties can make sticking to your weight loss goals that much harder. myfitnesspal.com has the strategies that could help you!
Staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak can be an isolating time for many people, with some worried about how they will manage to keep in touch with family and friends without seeing them.
Video calling is one way of keeping up communication, but is it as effective as seeing someone in real life? Head over to Sky News to find out more! If, like many runners out there, you're taking your workouts indoors at the moment, you'll probably be looking for some inspiration. Here, we've got a 28 day home workout plan from GB heptathlete-turned PT, Louise Hazel with Runner's World...
If cardio isn't your thing and you miss pumping those weights at the gym, how about taking a look at "The 5 Best At-Home Workout Plans" from Fitness Volt to help keep building that muscle! If you're working from home and feel groggy in the mornings, the fix couldn't be easier! Runner's World has the help at hand...
If you are in need of some inspiration whilst being stuck indoors, there's plenty of ideas out there! You can be inspired at myprotein.com
If you are already out there getting your step count done each day, the question might be if you are moving enough? myfitnesspall.com has a blog of interest for you!
Author - ChrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of Learn Develop Live Archives
July 2022