Travelling teams are essential for some businesses. However, keeping them happy can be challenging. Managers must deal with all sorts of issues, from burnout to shoddy work.
This post is here to help. We take a look at seven tips for boosting employee engagement in travelling teams and ensuring they are successful in everything they do. Here’s what you need to know. Set Clear Policies And Goals The first step toward engaging travelling teams is to set clear and realistic goals for them. Objectives help employees understand what is expected of them and how you’ll measure their performance. They should also detail how workers will contribute to the organisation's vision and mission and provide focus, and motivation for employees to achieve their targets. Setting goals for travelling teams tends to be a little trickier because they are always on the move. They work in a dynamic, changing environment, meaning you have to consider travel schedules, availability of resources and so on. Therefore, when setting goals, communicate the organisation's vision and mission clearly and frequently and align individual goals with those of the team. Also, adjust goals as needed if circumstances change. Provide Flexible Working Arrangements Next, engage travelling teams by providing flexible working arrangements. Let employees choose when, where, and how they work, as long as they meet your objective for them (and deadlines). These flexible arrangements can:
You can also make working arrangements more flexible with serviced accommodation. This way, employees don’t need to keep checking in and out of hotels that might not meet their living or lifestyle requirements. This type of accommodation gives them more independence and gives them a home away from home, making it feel less like travel. Foster Better Communication Communication is essential for travelling teams. With it, employees stay connected with the base, informed, and engaged. However, communication can be challenging for travelling teams because of the physical distance, time zone differences, and other cultural issues they might face on arrival. Therefore, managers should:
Build Trust Teams can find it challenging to build trust when people work remotely, but it is essential for the success of the business. Trust helps employees feel valued, supported, and engaged. However, trust can be difficult to build for travelling teams because of the lack of face-to-face contact. There’s less rapport. Fortunately, there are several ways you can help. First, always be highly responsible whenever a team member gets in touch with you. Be reliable and flexible in your comments. Don’t try to lay down the law. You can also be more transparent at your end, telling employees what you expect from them and how they can drive the business forward. Don’t leave it to chance. Ultimately, you can boost engagement by adopting advanced management practices that work in a digital workplace.
Employee absenteeism is really bad for business. It can cost you dearly in terms of productivity and your bottom line, and it can cause disgruntlement amongst your employees who will often have to pick up the slack.
The good news is, there are lots of things you can do to reduce absenteeism in your business. Including the following: Be more flexible If you want to cut down on the number of absent employees, then being more flexible in your approach to work and working hours is a good idea. Many people who take a day off do so because they have an appointment with the doctor, dentist or their child’s school, that will only actually take up a small part of the day. By letting them take just a few hours off, or even better, allowing the to work from home or choose their own flexible working hours, then, you can encourage them to only take out the hour or so they need, and work for the rest of the day, instead of booking whole days off for a[ppointments as they may be right now. Schedule employee MOTs Scheduling an annual employee health check is a good way to reduce employee sickness as trained health professionals will come in and give them a once over, checking for things like high blood pressure and excess weight, which could cause ill health down the line, and support you and your employees in getting on top of them, so that they are likely to take fewer sick days in the future. Reward attendance When it comes to dealing with employee absenteeism, it is often better to use the carrot approach. Rewarding good attendance can be a very effective way to reduce the amount of time each employee takes, providing that the incentive for good attendance is desirable enough. Monetary bonuses are probably the most effective, and will likely save you more money in the long term when fewer sick days are logged, but they are not the only option so it is just a matter of thinking about what your business can afford and what kind of incentives your employees would actually value. Foster a positive workplace culture Fostering a positive workplace culture, where every member of staff feels safe, secure and valued, and where teamwork is encouraged, is another good way to tackle absenteeism because, when employees feel happy at work, they are less likely to feel stressed or worried, and take a day off. Not only that, but when teamwork is encouraged and valued, employees will think twice about taking time off because they will feel like letting they are letting their team down, which means they will only stay home when they really are sick enough to warrant doing so. You are never going to be able to prevent all absences from your business, but as you can see, there are lots of simple things you can do to reduce them and bolster your business. It’s just a matter of putting the above suggestions into action.
When you own a business, you need to make sure that you are earning your employees loyalty. You can’t just expect it to be given to you without having done anything to deserve it, and if you do then this could be where you are going wrong. The good news is that if you don’t know how to earn loyalty from those who work for you, then you’ve come to the right place. Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the steps that you should take, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.
Let Them Breathe You hired your employees because you trust them to complete their job to a high standard, which means that you don’t need to be breathing down their necks every five minutes. You should be able to let them do what they need to do, without feeling the need to micromanage every single thing that they are doing. If you can’t do this, then perhaps you don’t have the right people working for you. You’ve got to let your employees breathe, as if they constantly feel like you’re hovering over them, they’re going to think that you don’t trust them. The problem with this is that they are then not going to be inclined to work hard for you, as they’re just going to be wondering what the point is. As such, you just need to make sure that you’re giving them space. Be Reasonable You should also make sure that you’re being a reasonable boss. There are some people out there who simply don’t have a reasonable bone in their body, and trying to talk to these people is like hitting your head against a brick wall. It’s pointless and it’s not going to get you anywhere. You don’t want to get a reputation as someone who isn’t reasonable as nobody is going to want to work for your company ever again. It’s not hard to be a reasonable person, so it’s worth thinking about that if you find yourself unwilling to yield on certain, non-important things. Listen To What They Are Saying The final thing that we want to say is that you should listen to what your employees are telling you. If they’re telling you that they need something, even if it’s something simple like embroidered fleeces by that have your business logo on it for the cold weather, listen to them. They know what they need better than you do, so make sure you’re paying attention to them when they come to you with any issue. We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to earn loyalty from your employees. It’s important that you’re taking the time to do this because the last thing that you need are employees that don’t work hard because they don’t care. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you succeed with this.
When starting a business, you may hold intentions to take control of every aspect. You’ll quickly realise that it doesn't have to be you versus the world. On the contrary, surrounding yourself with the right people will give your company a far better shot at sustained success.
So, where should you turn for that support? While you can turn to many different sources, the most important are detailed below. Employees Even if you had the skills to complete every business task, you wouldn’t have the time. Dedicating time to basic assignments could distract you from actively driving the company on. Meanwhile, taking on tasks where your expertise is limited can restrict the company’s progress. You should always look to hire candidates with great qualities as well as skills. The best workers will drive their colleagues on while also supporting collaborative results. If nothing else, it allows you to focus on your job without having to micromanage their efforts. Productivity will soar. Besides, they will be responsible for many client interactions too. You’d be a fool not to ensure that they’ll represent the company in style.
In-house teams form the foundation of your business. However, it is increasingly common for firms to hire freelancers for ad hoc or temporary roles. Outsourcing can also be very useful when SMEs want to expand without opening larger commercial premises. Or investing in more equipment. Of course, you may require electrical contractors or security contractors too. Their ability to improve safety, efficiency, and the capabilities of the business will play a telling role. The contractors can provide inspections and expertise to complete upgrades that you won’t have considered. Hiring contractors also allows you to manage your budget as you can forecast your spending. Particularly when you pay for the job rather than the hour. Customers Without customers, your business simply does not have a future. Nevertheless, you will struggle to build a following if you do not first identify your niche. Once you have a defined target audience, it becomes far easier to refine your business model. From products to marketing, these tweaks make all the difference. You should be eager to build loyalty through membership schemes. It encourages you to spend more money and more frequently. Your clients can additionally become your greatest asset for winning new fans. This is because the power of recommendation carries a lot of weight. After all, people know that brands will promote themselves. Hearing outsiders validate those claims is a telling feature. Mentors Many new business owners feel that all other companies are their competition. In truth, other local firms from other industries can become very useful partners. Their understanding of consumer trends in your region can be useful. Meanwhile, skills trades and shared resources can aid the cause. Alternatively, you could find a mentor who has been there and done it. It could be the perfect role for them if they’ve retired or semi-retired. Their advice and contacts can keep you on the best path to success. Meanwhile, they can often help with funding, either through buying a share in the company or giving you ideas. One way or another, realising that you do not have to face the journey alone is a significant step in the right direction.
A company is only as good as its employees. They are the backbone and lifeblood of any organization. They are the ones who keep it moving forward with their hard work, dedication, and passion. Employees can make a company great, but that greatness also depends on the employees themselves. There are a lot of things that go into making an employee great, but there are some key qualities that they all share.
What Are The Qualities Of A Good Employee? A good employee is someone who cares about the company, its customers, and its future. They want to see it succeed, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. And while there are many qualities that make a good employee, there are some key characteristics that stand out above the rest. To aid in ensuring future business success, companies must value and develop the following qualities in their employees. Has A Growth Mindset With a growth mindset, you see your intelligence and skills as things that can be developed over time with practice and that there is always room for improvement. Employees with a growth mindset understand that improvement is a never-ending process and that they don’t have to be perfect right away. They are open to feedback and new ideas, even if they disagree with them at first. They are also willing to take on new challenges, even if they don’t know how to do them. A growth-minded employee sees failure as an opportunity to learn and improve, rather than something to avoid or be ashamed of. Takes Initiative Employees who can think and act independently are highly valuable in the workplace. They are able to identify problems and come up with solutions, often before they are asked. Employees who take initiative often look for new ways to do things that make their jobs easier or more efficient. They also tend to be proactive about getting their work done instead of waiting for someone else to assign tasks or set deadlines. Has A Healthy Sense Of Humor A healthy sense of humor helps workers become more comfortable and communicative, creating a friendly atmosphere in the workplace. It also helps relieve stress and tension, which can make the workday more enjoyable. Employees with a healthy sense of humor will help a company thrive since it allows employees to take constructive criticism in stride, and helps others see that their ideas are valid and worth considering. Punctual Punctuality is important in any job, but it's especially important in companies with a time-sensitive office environment. In an employee, being punctual means that they show up on time for work and do not waste company resources by making them wait. It shows that they are responsible, reliable, and respectful of others’ time, which are all things that are crucial in any work environment. Being on time isn't only about showing respect towards others; it also means that the person understands how to manage their own time well enough to get where they need to go on time. A Good Team Player A good team player is one who does not think that the world revolves around him or her. They understand the importance of collaboration and compromise, as well as trust and shared goals. They are also aware of their own strengths and weaknesses but do not allow these things to get in the way of working toward a common goal with others on their team. Employees with this essential quality can work well with others, have a positive attitude toward their coworkers, and put the needs of others before their own needs. They are also flexible and adaptable, which means that when something changes in their work environment or with the team, they can adjust accordingly. This is especially true for companies that operate in a fast-paced environment and strive to succeed in the fast-paced world. Honest And Trustworthy Being honest and trustworthy is a necessity for any employee, but it's especially important when working in an office. Trust is crucial to business operations because it allows employees to know that they can rely on one another to get the job done. This helps to build strong relationships between coworkers, which can lead to increased employee satisfaction and productivity. A person’s honesty and trustworthiness can be seen in many different ways, including how they interact with others and how they handle situations that require a high level of integrity. Strong work ethic A strong work ethic is characterized by a person's willingness to work hard, put in long hours, and be dedicated to their job. An employee who has a strong work ethic gets work done, even under pressure and with tough circumstances. A strong work ethic can also be seen in how well a person stays organized and on task throughout their day, and how they handle the stress that comes with many different tasks at once. For companies, employees that are committed to their work are much more likely to be successful and provide a strong return on investment. Good Communication Skills In creating a comfortable workplace for business success, a pleasant atmosphere with good communication is key. Good communication skills are a must for any employee, but they are especially important to a company that needs its workers to thrive. Employees with good communication skills are able to effectively convey and receive information and ideas both verbally and in writing. They can also listen well, which is an important skill when working with team members or clients on projects. Good communication skills are important for a company because they help employees to develop and maintain healthy personal relationships. Employees who are able to communicate well with their coworkers and customers are more likely to have strong working relationships that benefit everyone involved. Final Thoughts A company's success depends largely on the skills, talents, and dedication of its workforce. Each company may be different, but the employees and the qualities that make them successful tend to have many similarities. And while there may be plenty of qualities that make a good employee, the ones mentioned above are some of the most important. If a company hopes to succeed in the future, it must adapt its hiring strategy and employ people with characteristics that will enable change. AuthorKatie Pierce is a teacher-slash-writer who loves telling stories to an audience, whether it’s bored adults in front of a computer screen or a bunch of hyperactive 4-year-olds. Writing keeps her sane (most of the time) and allows her to enjoy some quiet time in the evening before she walks into a room of screaming kids (all of whom she loves dearly) the next morning.
When there are changes to the workplace, it can be stressful and even scary for employees. Whether you're implementing a new technology or making an organizational shift, your employees need to know what's going on in order to do their job effectively.
If they don't hear about these changes from you, they may rely on other sources of information which may not be accurate. This can lead to a lot of confusion and stress for everyone involved. So how do you make sure your employees are getting the information they need when their job is changing? Here are four things your employees need when there is a change in their job: A forum for open communication One of the most important things you can do as a manager is to help your employees understand what's happening in the workplace. When you tell them their job is changing, they'll be able to adapt more easily if they know what to expect. If they don't know what's going on, they might become frustrated and feel like they're being left out of the loop, which can lead to lower productivity and morale. If you have an open forum for communication where everyone feels welcome to express their opinions and ask questions, then everyone will feel like they're part of the process. It also helps when there's an opportunity for your team members to share feedback about how their jobs are evolving, they might have ideas that could help improve things down the road. The truth about the changes You should keep your employees up to date and give them the truth about any changes because it will help them feel more engaged in the company, which will make them more productive and happy. It's important for employees to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, and keeping them in the loop about changes will help them understand how those changes affect their role within the company. If you don't keep your employees informed about what's going on with their jobs, they may feel like they're working in a vacuum or that there is no real communication between management and employees. It’ll avoid the need for employee arbitration and similar measures if they feel lied to about the changes. Information on the changes and how they affect them Giving your employees information and letting them know how these changes will affect them is essential to building a healthy business culture. Your employees should be informed about the changes to their job in order to understand why it's happening, what they can expect going forward, and what their role is in this process. This will help them feel like they're part of the process, instead of being blindsided by it. When you give your employees notice about upcoming changes in position or responsibilities, they can also use this time to prepare themselves for what's coming next. For example, if an employee knows that they'll need a certain skill in order for their new position to be successful, they can take steps now to get that skill or learn more about it. Or maybe an employee needs more training before taking on a new role this knowledge can help them work with management so that there are no delays when starting on the new job. For instance, you can Book your National safety training with Easybook Training if it is required for your employees when it comes to a new job. Access to a counsellor or other professional resources One of the most important reasons why it's important for your employees to have access to a counsellor or other professional resources when their jobs are changing is that they need someone they can talk to about what's happening, and how it's making them feel. If you're in a position where you're changing jobs, you might feel like you're losing your identity, or that your skills aren't being used because things are so different than how they were when you started working there. You might be worried about how people will respond to this change, or if they'll think less of you because it wasn't your choice. A counsellor can help you figure out how these changes are affecting your mental health, as well as give advice on coping strategies and resources that can help support your mental health during this time. Conclusion Obviously, these are just some of the things that employees need to feel comfortable with change. The key is to make sure you’re communicating with them and that they know where they stand as far as their job security goes. You don’t want them feeling like they have no idea what’s going on or why it is happening, so keep an open line of communication between yourself and your employees throughout any transition period. When you’re involved in a workplace dispute, it can certainly be tricky to try and resolve it in a way that benefits both parties or is totally fair and just. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be this way, as this guide contains some worthwhile tips and recommendations that you can make the most of to resolve your workplace dispute in no time at all. So, if you’re ready to clear the air and get back to focusing on the task at hand rather than worrying about bad relationships and negativity in the workplace, then simply read on to uncover some of the best ideas to implement today.
Put Yourself In Their Shoes One of the most important steps that you must follow whenever you get involved in a dispute, whether this is in the workplace or elsewhere, is to put yourself in their shoes before you start to react. You never know what might be happening in a person's private life, as it’s all too common to bring the stress of your private life into work with you, which can subsequently have an effect on the way that you act and operate. When you have a dispute that seems somewhat unnecessary, this is the ideal time to put yourself in their shoes and think exactly why they reacted in such a way. Perhaps they see things differently from their own point of view, but this is something that you will be able to figure out if you put yourself in their shoes! Your dispute may have even been the final straw that broke the camel's back, meaning their stress was at boiling point and your dispute caused it to boil over - in this case, it’s clear that you are not the issue, but that your colleague needs support and help to handle their stress levels. When you take the time to be human rather than putting on a robot-like mask for work, you’ll soon realise that many disputes occur due to the individual themselves experiencing difficulties rather than you yourself acting unfavourably, as it’s all too easy to get ‘triggered’ and take it out on someone else when you’re in a terrible mood. Get Legal Advice If you’re caught up in a pretty in depth dispute that has been stretching on for several months with particularly atrocious behaviour, then the best course of action is for you to seek legal advice. When rules are being ignored and your colleagues are continually disrespecting you and your role in the company, then you need to take a stand and show other staff members that you are not prepared to accept such maltreatment and will be more than happy to seek out legal charges. Any good corporate lawyers will be more than happy to take your case if you are being victimised or mistreated within your workplace, and they have all of the necessary skills and knowledge to make sure you finish the case with the best possible outcome. Never allow your colleagues to abuse you in the workplace - get legal advice and make sure they pay for the way that they have treated you. Running a retail business is hard work. There are so many things to keep track of, and it can be tough to stay organised. One way to improve employee efficiency is to ensure you have the right tools and supplies in your store. This blog post will discuss some of the essential retail items your store needs to run smoothly.
1) A POS System A point of sale (POS) system is a must-have for any retail business. It can help you keep track of inventory, process sales quickly and efficiently, and manage customer data. However, there are many different POS systems on the market, so it's essential to do your research to find one that will work best for your business. If you are buying a POS system, there are a lot of features to consider. For example, do you need a system that can accept credit cards? Do you need a system that can track inventory? What about a system that can generate reports? Once you know what features you need, you can look at different POS systems to find the best one for your business. There are many benefits of using a POS system in your store. A POS system can help you save time by processing sales quickly and efficiently. It can also help you keep track of your inventory and customers. If you are not using a POS system in your store, now is the time to consider investing in one. 2) A label printer A label printer is another essential tool for any retail business. A label printer can be used to print labels for products, pricing tags, and more. A label printer can save you a lot of time and money by helping you print labels quickly and easily. There are many different types of label printers on the market. Some label printers are designed for specific tasks, while others are more versatile. If you are not sure which type of label printer you need, visit our desktop label printer here. Label printers can be a great way to improve employee efficiency in your store. By printing labels quickly and easily, employees can spend less time searching for products and pricing information. 3) A barcode scanner If your store doesn't already have a barcode scanner, it's time to invest in one. Not only will this make it easier for employees to keep track of inventory, but it will also help them to quickly and accurately check out customers. A barcode scanner is essential for any retail store that wants to improve employee efficiency. By making it easy for employees to keep track of inventory and check out customers, a barcode scanner can help increase productivity and sales. If you're unsure which type of scanner to purchase, ask a local electronics store for recommendations. 4) A cash register This is an essential item for any retail store. It helps keep track of sales and inventory and can also be used to process credit card transactions. In addition, a good cash register will save time and help to improve employee efficiency. If you are looking for a new cash register, find one that is easy to use and has all the features you need. You should also make sure that it is compatible with your POS system. Take some time to research different models and find the one that best suits your needs. You can read online reviews or talk to other retailers to get their opinion on which cash registers are the best. In conclusion, these are just a few of the essential retail items your store needs to improve employee efficiency. Investing in the right tools and supplies can make it easier for employees to do their jobs and increase productivity in your store. Managing your human resources can be tricky. Today, businesses have to deal with so many employees who are unmotivated to work or simply not interested in moving up the ladder. While money has proved a driving factor for employee motivation, a study has shown that it is insufficient on its own. Whether you want your employees to stay longer with your business or inspire them to deliver on set targets, here are four highly effective ways to motivate your employees.
1. Listen to employees Employees are very motivated to deliver when they feel their opinions and needs are heard at the workplace. While this doesn't imply granting all employee requests, it would be best if you listened to what your employees have to say. Listen to every employee and respect their new ideas or methods of getting work done. Try not to shut down suggestions or downplay the issues they communicate to you. If your employees are repeatedly silenced and not encouraged to speak up, it is just a matter of time before they become disinterested or unwilling to work hard. 2. Set realistic goals and acknowledge success It is in everybody's nature to challenge themselves. Employees will likely lose interest when they do the same tedious jobs with no set objective. Therefore, it is advisable to set realistic goals that push your teams to achieve them. When an employee achieves a goal, be sure to acknowledge it. Acknowledging employee performance doesn't have to be extravagant. A simple lunch or acknowledgment during staff meetings can go a long way to motivate them to work harder and accomplish set objectives. 3. Incentivise deserving employees You should always give people a reason to stay with your business, and offering an incentive package is a great way to do so. Whether quarterly, six months, or annually, you might want to acknowledge your hard-working employees within the set period. However, it can be useful to create a commission structure rather than a competition. You can offer a bonus or foot the employee's extra credentials bill. When employees know you will reward them for their efforts, they become more willing to do well and stay longer to see a job through. 4. Create an ideal workplace Nobody wants to work in an unhealthy and unsafe environment. As a result, it is best to create an aesthetically pleasing, functional, well-lighted, and healthy environment. This means making sure your equipment is updated and well maintained to limit any hazard risks in the workplace. For instance, be sure to provide employees with the right protective gear and equipment to work. If your business is one that involves the usage of chemicals, you may want to consider installing industrial tanks to mix, process, and store chemical products in your workplace safely. Safety is good for business since employees value their safety and are motivated to give more when they know their health and well-being are at the top of the business's priorities. Keeping a happy and motivated working team is key to achieving business success. While others need a little nudge to deliver, some are self-motivated. However, the utmost responsibility lies with the business owner and manager to motivate them.
Do you feel like you and your coworkers are just not hitting your stride? Are there too many distractions in the office or people talking on the phone all day long? If so, it's possible that your workplace is unproductive. This blog post will discuss six things that make for an unproductive workforce. Once you know what these things are, you can take steps to improve the situation!
#1 The office is cluttered and messy If your company has a "dirty desk policy," it's time to reconsider that policy. A messy desk can be distracting, especially if there are papers on the floor or dust blowing off of them! It also creates an environment where people feel less comfortable working because they have no idea what might pop out at them from beneath those piles of paper. To improve this situation, make sure employees clean up their desks when they leave each day so others won't see it as such a mess when they come in tomorrow morning. Another thing you can do is limit distractions:
If there are no guidelines in place, people will make their own up, and they're not likely to be very productive ones! This can lead to confusion about what's expected of employees and a lack of accountability. To fix this, you need to create a set of written standards for the workplace- from how to dress appropriately to what types of conversations are allowed during work hours. You may also want to establish specific working hours (and stick to them) so people know when it's okay to take personal calls or go on break. And finally, make sure everyone is aware of these rules! Post them where they can be seen easily, send out a company-wide email, and talk about them during team meetings. #3 There are no incentives for people who do more work When there's nothing in it for employees, they're less likely to put any effort into their jobs- and that can be a major problem when you need everyone working at 100%! The best way around this is by creating some kind of incentive system where those with higher productivity levels get rewarded accordingly. This might mean offering bonuses or extra vacation time, giving them better projects than anyone else on staff (and more responsibility), allowing these individuals access to certain perks only available through hard work, and assigning heavier workloads so they won't feel like freeloading off others' efforts. The key here is making sure everyone knows what the expectations are right from day one - and then holding them accountable. If you don't, your employees might think that they're doing enough just by showing up on time every day! #4 The workplace culture is toxic Toxic workplaces can make it impossible for people to do their jobs because they feel like outsiders all the time. So it's important that you create a positive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued, no matter what kind of work they do or how long they've been with the company! It's also essential to give praise when deserved- such as recognizing those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. You don't want your employees feeling like their efforts aren't noticed or appreciated, so make sure everyone knows how much they're valued! And finally, if there are any issues with an employee's performance that need addressing, be sure to address them directly instead of letting these concerns fester in silence for months. By doing this immediately after noticing something isn't right about what he/she is up to at work - you'll save yourself from having major problems down the road and ensure your workplace wellbeing is in optimal condition. #5 The employees are overworked If people are already struggling to keep up with their workload, adding more tasks on top of that isn't going to do anyone any favors - especially not the employee! This can lead to burnout, which will only make it harder for them to concentrate and be productive. The best way around this is by assessing what each person's capabilities are and then delegating duties accordingly. You might also want to consider hiring additional help if things have gotten too hectic (or look into outsourcing certain aspects of the company so that you don't have to take care of everything yourself). It's important to remember that everyone has a limit- and once you've crossed it, productivity goes out the window! So try your best to keep an eye on things and make changes when needed. 6) Employees don't have the necessary tools to do their work properly. It's not just about having everything you need to get things done, but rather what kind of quality those items are. For example, if an employee is using a computer that isn't up-to-date with its software or hardware, then they'll likely be spending more time fixing problems than actually doing their job! It's also essential for employees to have access to all relevant information related to their responsibilities without having to dig through multiple folders in search mode (or worse yet - wait around until someone finally hands it over). In addition, being able to work efficiently and adequately requires certain tools such as desk space or even ergonomic chairs, which help reduce physical stress on the body while working long hours at a screen. You might think these seem trivial things when you're trying to get a business off the ground, but over time, they will add up and make a huge difference in terms of how productive your workforce actually is. There are many things that can hinder productivity in the workplace. But by being mindful of these potential issues and taking action where necessary, you'll be well on your way to having a more effective and efficient team. The Holiday period is among the scariest times of year to be a public-facing business. Commercialism and promotions due to Christmas, Halloween, other holidays and the dreaded Black Friday makes it the most stressful time for retail. Yet, it's easy to forget your employees feel the stress in all the chaos as much as managers.
It's not enough that seasonal depression takes its toll on many workers. Still, customers are generally insulting during busy periods. These, combined with the extra work required, make the most straightforward jobs unbearable. As a manager or supervisor, it is your responsibility to rally the troops and motivate them throughout this difficult time. Praise and Reward A pivotal element to motivating employees is recognition. Any employees who have outperformed themselves, achieved something or contributed above and beyond their contractual obligation should always be praised and, if necessary, rewarded. A survey by Indeed found that feeling undervalued is one of the o reasons people leave a role. So, of course, nothing stops you from showing appreciation from time to time and rewarding employees anyway. Yet the holiday season is upon us, and Christmas is an excellent time to show gratitude toward employees. Typically, companies do this with a bonus payment to be included in employee salaries. Yet this can feel impersonal and undeserving. Instead, you could add a personal touch and order festive staff gifts for your team, such as those from Wellbox. These tasty hampers contain festive treats such as nuts, chocolates and mince pies. Recognize Seasonal Affective Disorder Just like our ancient ancestors, even today, in a world of advanced technological innovation, we are beholden to the weather, climate and changing seasons. We just don't notice it as much since we have become adept at using seasons to our advantage, such as seasonal cooking or summer and winter sports. Yet, the changing seasons can impact your employees and their work and motivation. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, affects around 3% of the population. While the exact cause is unknown, and the condition is not universally recognized, it is genuine. It is therefore recommended you take an employee with SAD seriously and accommodate the situation. Recommend actions to help an employee with SAD include:
Provide Extra Support in the Busy Period The Holiday season is busy for almost everyone, especially retail. Online orders increase exponentially, foot traffic becomes unbearable, and customer complaints and annoyances get out of hand. And all the frustration is taken out on your employees. This all makes a difficult job painful for some. Needless to say, work-related depression increases in the run-up to Christmas. Therefore, it is during this time that your valued employees need you the most. Because of depression and SAD, more staff will probably call in sick. Make efforts to encourage employees to return to work ASAP. Also, ask and encourage, but don't force other employees to pick up the slack. Everyone feels the extra weight. Fortunately, you can keep staff motivated with simple methods:
To develop a successful enterprise today, you should concentrate on acquiring the most talented individuals available on the market. Many people begin by focusing on processes that will unlock the gates to profit-making opportunities. However, if you do not have the best staff in place to put these tactics into action, your company is doomed from the start.
You could avoid making this error by taking your time to hunt for the best candidates and designing your hiring processes so that the most competent staff can be quickly integrated and trained. Additionally, you should consider forming alliances with the most accomplished persons in the sector. The following are many types of people you should take into consideration if you want to develop a successful business: Sales reps Regardless of what you have to offer, your company will fail if it does not generate revenue. In order to enhance revenues and profits, sales professionals must ensure that clients purchase goods and services. Sales representatives have direct contact with your customers. As a result, you must make certain that you choose employees who have excellent interpersonal skills in order to communicate with customers and persuade them to purchase. Additionally, you require sales professionals that are familiar with and understand the dynamics of the market as well as the needs of their customers. Marketers Your marketing campaigns are directly accountable for the success of your company in recruiting clients. In this regard, you require a renowned and innovative marketing agency that can increase consumer awareness of your goods. Consider, for example, collaborating with social media influencers who have a large following on the platform. Shipping services Do you sell things that must be shipped to customers? Because of the current economic climate, in-store purchasing has been severely curtailed, with many individuals turning to online shopping instead. As a result, customers consistently rank delivery delays as one of the most annoying aspects of their purchasing experience. As a result, you should collaborate with a company that provides parcel delivery services in order to get things to clients' doors as quickly as possible. Customer service support Businesses are placing a larger emphasis on the customer service they provide. Customers have become more aware of many company features as a result of advanced technology, and businesses must provide the finest customer service possible in order to improve customer experience and happiness. Your customer service representatives must be well-versed about your company's beliefs, goods, and services in order to provide consistent and fast responses to customers' complaints and questions. You require courteous customer service representatives who can communicate with customers in a courteous manner and deliver relevant information. Business partners Working with people who share your goals is one of the best ways to ensure success. Your selection of a business partner can either be your demise or your success story in the writing world, depending on your situation. You should consider finding a business partner that has the same vision and drive as you before venturing into a new field. If you intend to go it alone, look for educated persons with market expertise who can guide you through the process. Conclusion The majority of businesses fail to recognize the value of human resources in their operations and instead allocate their resources to other areas. According to industry experts, if you do not have the right individuals to put your business goals into action, they will fail miserably. Your company's success in a competitive market is dependent on its ability to attract and retain qualified employees. Being self-employed is most definitely a way to have more freedom in your working life, but if you are looking to make the leap, or you are trying to get all of your ducks in a row, there are many mistakes people make. Granted, you can have the ability to work smart rather than hard, have the right software in place, and think that you've got everything, but you will certainly learn from the many mistakes that you make, but here are some of the big ones that you have to be prepared for.
Overspending on Things You Think You Need This is especially true if you are running a business. You may think that you are better off investing in more things than less, but the reality is you've got to find the best tools that work for you by going through a few months of being self-employed so you can learn from some of your mistakes. One of the more common problems is with regards to payment customers, invoicing, and generally the financial components. It's important to find all-in-one tools that can help. For example, a company like Payanywhere provides a comprehensive platform for payments, invoicing, and inventory management, but remember that you don't need to overcomplicate things. If you overcomplicate things, you add more steps to every process, and this means that you will eventually lose the battle of having any form of work-life balance. Underestimating Being Self-Employed If you are looking to become self-employed, you may think that it is easier because you don't have to clock in at a certain time, you don't have to commute, and so on. But being self-employed is not easier than working a job. The fact is that you have to take responsibility for so much more than you would if you were being employed by someone. This means you've got to have a multitude of research skills, business skills, as well as financial skills under your belt. Because you've got to find so many things that will cover your back like self-employed insurance, learning how to save for retirement, while also making sure that you do have that balance in life. Many self-employed people talk about the fact that they don't know how to switch off. This is one of the best things that you can learn how to do. Not Prioritising Your Health The trap many people fall into is chasing the money. They'll have a good month, and this will be followed up by a bad month. After a while, people think that it's better to work more in order to maintain a certain lifestyle. However, doing this is not good for your health, and it's not good for you in the long run. You've got to have a more relaxed approach to life certainly, but you also need to make sure that you aren't giving in to stress. It's important to think of some stress management techniques, but also, no matter how much you earn, putting a specific amount aside each month will give you that buffer if you have a fallow period. These are some of the biggest mistakes, and if you are looking to jump into being self-employed, the best thing you can do is be prepared.
The fact is that when you first started your business, you most probably didn’t think that you would ever end up in a position where you had a team of employees to manage. You most probably hoped that this would be the case but you may not have thought that it would be the case, after all getting your business to a place where you need and can afford a team of employees is an amazing place to be at and not many business owners manage to get to this point.
Now that you’re in a place where you need to take on a team, you are most probably feeling somewhat stressed out and overwhelmed. After all, there’s a lot to think about and consider when it comes to taking on new team members. It’s not just a case of identifying the fact that you need some support, there’s a lot more to choose to employ people than meets the eye; there’s a lot that you need to think about and consider. It’s incredibly exciting to be at the stage that you are at now, but the fact is it can also be extremely daunting as there’s just so much that you need to think about and consider; it’s not just a case of taking on team members, you need to think about all of the ins and outs of running a team. Bearing all of that in mind, there’s a lot to think about and consider. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be an overly stressful experience, it’s just a case of knowing how to go about managing things, that’s all. To help to make the process of taking on your first employees a little easier to manage, below are a few tips and suggestions to have a read and take note of.
Have a set screening process in place
First things first, let’s talk about employee screening. How do you ensure that when it comes to selecting a new employee that you’re choosing someone who is a good fit for the role and your business? The truth is that you can never be 100% sure but there are steps that you can take to make the process easier, such as utilising HR support to help ensure that every avenue is looked into. You can also ensure that you ask for references and follow up on those references, to ensure that what a potential employee is telling you is the truth. It’s also worth nailing the interview process by creating a list of questions that not only look at the candidate's potential fit for the role but also for your company ethos and work setup. Master payroll A tricky aspect of managing a team of employees can be payroll; whether you are taking on two employees or 20, you need to master payroll. Payroll is not always something that it’s easy to do or manage, especially when finances aren’t your strong suit. The good news is that there are plenty of resources that you can utilise to make managing payroll a little easier, such as using payroll services, for instance. Learn to be a leader As an employer, you need to find the perfect balance between being a boss and being a friend to your team members. You naturally want to have fun with your team but you also need to ensure that you remain the authority, and that your team members look up to you and respect your choices. It’s also important that you act like a leader, rather than a traditional boss. What does this mean? Well, a traditional boss tells their team members what to do, whereas a leader is part of the workload and leads their team in every task. This is a fantastic quality to have, and something that will help you to be an amazing employer. Create the ideal working environment If you want your team members to be happy working for you, it’s essential that you create the ideal working environment for them to work in. The right work environment can impact how productive a team is, and so it’s important that you think carefully about the kind of space you create for your team. Not sure how to create the perfect workspace? Get inspired - look online, talk to other business owners, speak to your employees. There you have it, everything that you need to know about taking on your first team members and succeeding as an employer. If humanity is going to solve all its problems, we’re going to require a lot of highly motivated people. We need brains and perseverance to make it through the 21st century in one piece
The problem, of course, is actually getting people motivated in the first place. It’s an age-old question. What’s the best approach? The answer is quite annoying: it depends on who you’re trying to motivate. The tactics that work for one person might not work for another. This post collects all the best methods for motivating people and presents them in a way you can understand. You can then deploy them on a case by case basis. Be Inspirational For some people, inspiration is the best tactic you can use. What’s great about this method is that it forces people to internalize their desire for success. You’re not dangling something in front of them, like money. Instead, you’re finding common ground with them and getting them to align their goals with yours. With proper inspiration, they’ll want to work hard and achieve the objective because they believe it is valuable in its own right. Challenge People What’s the first thing people learn on personal training courses? The answer is the importance of challenging people. It’s a fine balancing act, though. Pushing people too hard stresses them out and causes them to throw their hands up in the air and give up. Not pushing them enough makes them feel like they’re stagnating and failing to make progress. The key is to find the sweet spot between the two. You want to create just enough resistance that they can achieve some success while also feeling like they’re growing as people. Celebrate With Them When people achieve something great, it is vital to celebrate with them. It helps to recognize their contribution and shows your appreciation of what they’re doing. For many people, this type of affirmation is the most important part of their work. They want to feel emotionally valued for what they’re doing. In some cases, it is even more critical than money. Provide Feedback Another strategy is to inform the people you’re trying to motivate about the differences that their efforts have made. In other words, you’re showing them the real-world effect of their actions and how they’re making a difference. Remember, the vast majority of people want to believe they’re making an impact. They want to feel like their work matters. But sometimes, they can’t see the effects of their action. Providing feedback helps with this. It shows people that what they’re doing is making a difference. It reveals how their hard work is paying off. Be More Trusting Trusting people is always a challenge, especially when so many of them will let you down. But it is also critical if you want to motivate people. You have to make them feel as though they can make decisions by themselves and aren’t just carrying out your orders. ] Try loosening the leash a little bit by giving them more autonomy. Once they experience ownership of a task, it’ll become more personally important for them. It makes information more digestible
Learning skills is in human nature. We need to learn skills to grow, develop and adjust from a young age. However, it seems counterintuitive to learn all your skills from a set of books. Indeed, young children learn through practice and copying the adults around them. It would be foolish to assume that people change their approach when they grow older. Mimicking gestures and processes is an innate mechanism. Consequently, compiling information in a format that focuses on the copying part of the learning process can facilitate skills acquisition. The adult education sector can partner with a professional video production company to turn reading materials into videos. Concepts are more easily digestible and approachable when they are shown rather than read, which can speed up learning for adults. Similarly, when showing isn’t an option, telling remains a valuable tool. Let’s not forget that people grew up in a storytelling environment before books existed. As such, podcasts are a suitable alternative to videos. It brings new incentives Modern classrooms have been using gamification with their students of all ages. For children, gamification used to be in the form of a physical reward, such as a star or a small present, to mark successes. Nowadays, teachers rely on virtual rewards, using apps to allocate points, badges, and creative avatars. Gamification apps can be equally effective for adults, as they provide a new sense of motivation. Don’t we all want to win? Earning badges and points can encourage adults to prolong learning sessions and memorise new knowledge quicker and better. Knowledge is always available How did school go for you? As a child, you needed to revise your book-based lessons before a test. As an adult, the same principle may not be suitable for your day-to-day life. Ultimately, it’s hard to make time for learning when you’ve got to manage work and a household. Consequently, digital tech makes knowledge accessible whenever and wherever you need it, whether you want to listen to the latest school podcasts during your commute or use the app to refresh your memory. Digitalising knowledge adds flexibility. In a world where remote teaching has become the new normal, it’s essential to maintain the technology even after turning the covid page. Digital technology makes learning more manageable for millions of adults who need to upskill. Whether they want to integrate into a new culture or boost their career progression, digital teaching makes their goal possible. The point of conversion is one that gets a lot of attention, and rightly so. It’s the moment where you have the best chance to turn a lead into a customer or client. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be rushing to that stage. If you spend a little more time preparing your lead before the pitch, then you can maximise your chances of succeeding with it. Here are a few ways to do that.
Learn about your customer First of all, you should make sure that you know who you’re talking about. Make use of things like lead capture forms like Leadformly on your website that can hopefully help get you a little more detail on the people that will become your customers and clients. This way, you can adjust your pitch to better suit their own needs and circumstances. You don’t want to be talking to them as if they’re just a part of a target market, you want to be able to individualise your pitch to them as best as possible. Have answers for the tough questions Before you get in touch, make sure that you have considered the potentials problems and barriers between your customers/clients and your products/services. Unless you’ve done a world first and created the perfect product or service, these are going to exist. You can also look at barriers and problems with competitors. It’s likely that your leads are going to have tough questions about exactly these and going in without any research or answers prepared is not going to look good on your end. Set the tone A little showmanship can make all the difference. This is, in effect, what’s at the heart of branding. With the help of teams like the brand design agency - Naked Ideas, you can make sure that your website and any marketing materials you have can carry across the tone and the voice of the brand that you want. A strong brand identity can help potential customers and clients feel like they know what your business is about before you get in touch. It establishes a level of trust and credibility that makes it much easier to make your pitch without as much scepticism. Be generous You can’t exactly bribe someone into becoming a client, no-one is going to be hoodwinked by a gift. However, free samples or souvenirs can help to establish a friendly and giving tone. If you show your potential clients that you’re willing to meet their needs in little ways, then they are more likely to believe that you’re willing to do it through your products and services, as well. Bringing a free gift can definitely improve your chances of winning new clients or, at the very least, keeping them around long enough for you to wow them with your pitch. Don’t rush into a pitch until you’ve had the time to make sure your potential customer or client can warm up to it. Lay the groundwork for your future success. When it comes to your business, you should always be thinking about how you can improve it. This is going to mean that you take it to the next level as and when it is required. But, how do you do this? Well, we’re sure that you’ve done it before unless your company is relatively new, but things are a little bit different with the circumstances that we are in right now. In this article though, we are going to be taking a look at some of the requirements when taking your business to the next level. If you would like to find out more about this, keep reading down below.
The Best Employees The first thing that you are going to need is the best employees. You are going to need people who are willing to dedicate their time to helping you build your business up, and if you don’t have that right now this is going to be a problem. Your business is made up of many different parts, but your employees are a vital one and you are never going to be any better than your worst employee. Everyone needs to be working hard and continually doing everything in their power to get you where you need to be on the market. If you think that someone isn’t pulling their weight, you have two options. First, you can talk to them, see what the issue is and if there is anything that you can do to help. If this doesn’t work, then the only option you have left is to replace them with someone who will give your business everything that they have professionally. The Right Product Another thing that you’re going to need is the right product. You need to have demand for whatever you are selling, and you need to make sure that you’ve got everything you need to provide it. For example, if your business sells evaporative condensers, you need to make sure you’ve got a market for them. When you find it, you need to market heavily in their direction to let them know that you have what they need. If there isn’t any demand, then we suggest you find a way to generate some sooner rather than later The Right Idea Finally, you’ve got to have the right idea. When you’re moving your business forward, there is always going to be an idea in mind, and it’s got to be a good one. Without one of these, you aren’t going to have any hope of getting where you are headed. Take your time coming up with your plan of action so that you know it’s the best possible path for your business. We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that are required when it comes to taking your business to the next level. It is only going to be as complicated as you make it, but if you take your time and give it everything you’ve got, you’re going to be just fine. We wish you the best of luck. Many people dream of starting their own business, they want to work for themselves, they have a great idea that they know people would use or want and they want to make loads of money for themselves without having to give it to someone else. If you’re one of these people who dream of starting your own business, then what is it that is stopping you?
The answer is nothing, and while you might be able to think up plenty of excuses to keep putting it off, in reality, the only thing that is stopping you from achieving your dream is you. If this year has taught us anything it is that life is short and you never know what is around the corner. Who could have predicted that 2020 would be spent mostly in lockdown, social distancing, unable to travel and in fear of a failing economy? It sounds like a disastrous time to start a business but in fact, this pandemic is not an excuse and is as good a time as any to start your business. You have the time One of the biggest reasons people give for not following their dreams or one of the things that people complain they never have enough of is time. But this pandemic has given us time. Whether you have been laid off, furloughed, working from home or carrying on your job as normal, it has still meant that there has been less to do and far more time spent in the house. While it looks like there is the hope of a vaccine now, it doesn’t mean the pandemic is over so if there are more lockdowns then perhaps it's time to use them wisely to work on your business. You have the resources The other thing available right now is a talent as well as other businesses who need work. For example, there are small business owners who could help you out, from electricians to logistics consultants, there are people ready and waiting to get their teeth stuck into something good and help you get your business off the ground. There are also so many talented people who have lost their jobs and are looking for work and could be an asset to your business. There is a demand While the world has changed significantly and some things are no longer as important as they once were, on the other hand, there are things such as face masks, PPE, virtual meetings and deliveries which have never been so popular. If your business can help to meet the demand that the pandemic has caused then it's the perfect time to start. You can adapt The great thing about starting your business now is that you can adapt to the new world straight away. You won’t need to make changes as you can have the restrictions and guidelines in place from the off. Your business can be something that doesn't just exist in a post-covid world but can thrive and help people adapt to a new way of living. If you are a business owner, you surely start the day with a question: how can I do more? Of course, what we want is not to work longer hours and end up affecting our personal lives, but to be more effective with the resources and talents we have. Productivity has not only an impact on the objectives we reach and performance of our business, but also our stress levels. So what is it that we can do to work better? Here we share some tips that you can apply from tomorrow onwards.
Plan each workday Before leaving the office, review your schedule and set your to-do list for the next day. Determine which are the priorities, give them a schedule and be realistic about the time available. It is better to move slowly and steadily than to remain stuck in the same place. Look at what is going wrong in the office and if things need to be changed. Many businesses fail to see things that are going wrong. So whether it's talking about updates to your technology or being more productive with your energy, there are things to think about. Perhaps you need to look at upgrading your Fuel Tanks, or maybe you need to change your phone systems, planning what needs to be changed will make things more productive. Forget multitasking. Multitasking is a myth, and we can't all be good at everything. Some studies show how this way of working can reduce productivity by up to 40%. In small and even medium-sized businesses, it is very common for one or more people to do tasks of a very different nature throughout the day. Still, it can become a risk to productivity if not properly addressed. Focusing on specific objectives is a sure way to increase the productivity of your company. Have your team delegate. Concentrate more. With constant meetings, social media, and instant messaging, it's hard to stay focused for more than half an hour on a single task. To avoid distractions, establish work blocks and respect them as if it were the presentation to your most important client. Move your smartphone away from your desk or silence alerts from applications such as social media. And if you are working on something very important, let your team know that you cannot be disturbed unless it is an emergency. Forget about repetitive tasks. One of the biggest challenges is repetitive, time-consuming jobs that distract you and your employees from those that are much more important to the business, like selling products and winning customers. An example of finances, and it is that recording or controlling all invoices, expenses, or payments is a task in itself. The better you look after your finances, the more chance you have of being able to put money into other areas, such as social media. To make your life as an entrepreneur easier, you need to tackle such routine tasks to increase productivity properly. There are dozens of ways to save time and gain productivity in the short and medium-term, such as direct debit of payments to suppliers in a bank account and even immediate payment with a company card. Starting your new business is a journey that will take you through many ups and downs. That said, it is exciting and one which is extremely rewarding. Plus, many people say working for themselves is the best thing they have ever done. When starting your business, there are many things to consider: branding, finances to websites, and funding. Below is an overview of a few things you should consider when starting your own business.
Creating your website Will you be making your website yourself or hire a professional to make one for you? Depending on your requirements, a website will help bring in new customers to your business and allow you to appeal to them in a different way. Before starting your website, make sure you put a plan together of what you will need on it and the type of website it will be, whether eCommerce, or a brochure-like site. Accounts package When running your business, it is important to stay on top of your finances. Using an account package, you will be able to track how you are doing instantly through a click of a button. Not only that, but you will also be able to send invoices and keep an eye on your expenses. By using digital accounting, you can easily allow your accountant access to your books without having to visit them in person. This will enable them to log in and see how you are performing without leaving their office to meet you; it can all be done over a phone call. How will you brand yourself? Logos, brand colors, and marketing materials should all be thought about before launching your company. Your logo is important, as everyone will see first and give them the first impression of your business. Done cheaply, it can be detrimental to your brand. Brand colors can portray a lot about you; if you are a luxury brand, you may want more gold’s and silvers used instead of bright funky colors. By hiring a graphic designer, they can help you with all of this. Testing your idea in the real world If your idea is completely new, how do you know it will work? Before investing heavily in your idea, it’s worth creating some prototypes and seeing how people respond to it. This is a great way to get actual feedback and to get other people’s opinions. Take note of what people are saying is you can use this to develop your idea and make it even better. Will you need investment? Will your business plan require you to need significant investment, or can you gradually grow your business? If you need investment, have you considered how you are going to raise funds? Make sure you do your research and put together a solid business plan to explain each step of your journey and how the money will be spent. Angel investors, bank loans, competitions, friends, and family, there are many ways for you to pitch and bring in some funding for your idea. If you want to save up money prior to starting your own business, then looking at diversifying your income can help you build up a pot to get you up and running. You can get a lodger licence template and rent out a spare room, you can create a side hustle that allows you to save up to have funding available and gain experience in running a company, or you can sell off items you own. Knowing where the money is coming from is vital. We’re all constantly being told that Business-2-Business (B2B) marketing is changing and that we need new marketing strategies to cope with this. We’re being told that the modern buyer doesn’t respond well to the B2B sales funnels of old and their buying habits are so mysterious you’re going to need a crystal ball or psychic octopus to continue to operate in the field. The good people over at American Image Displays have the only strategy you'll need.
All business owners want to score more clients, but the route to achieving that goal isn’t always clear. Sometimes you need to think outside of the box if you want to succeed, but usually, you just need to follow a set of straightforward ideas.
With that in mind, there are some tips and tricks below that should assist you in identifying, contacting, and winning those new clients. Regardless of your business's nature and what you do to turn a profit, the same rules should apply. Just tailor this guidance for your industry, and you should have no issues. Research new marketplaces So, you sell products or services to customers and clients in a few specific industries. Now is the time to look at those products or services and work out whether there are other marketplaces for them. Perhaps you sell products in a certain market that could also be useful for companies in the automotive industry or something similar? You might have to redesign your packaging for companies in that marketplace, but it’s worth the cost if you open your business up to thousands of new potential clients. All companies have to expand and grow if they want to succeed in the thriving business world, and research is the key to effective expansion. So, get started as soon as possible! Give free gifts to potential clients When you identify a list of potential clients who should be interested in your products or services, it's vital you work hard to get their attention. While you can cold call or send letters or emails, sometimes it’s better to try something different. Sending free samples or gifts to your potential clients should help to create the best first impression. You could also offer to turn up at their business premises and demonstrate how your products or services could save their firm time and money. Everyone loves getting something for free, and potential clients who receive gifts are far more likely to listen to your pitch. Food for thought? Know your stuff! The most important thing you need to consider when looking for new clients is your ability to answer questions with the best possible answers. Clients will always want to discuss your products or services, and you need to know your stuff! It's all well and good to identify a list of potential clients and send gifts, and you might have a great business, but if you can't explain the virtues of giving you money, it's probably not going to happen. You need an effective sales pitch, and you need to practice it a LOT. There are lots of articles online that will help you to write a decent sales pitch, and you can always practice it with members of your team before heading out and pitching to clients. Now you have a better idea about the things you need to do to score more clients for your business this winter, it’s time to set the wheels in motion. Develop your strategy, conduct your research, and make the investment of time and money. If you pay attention to the tips from this post, there’s a reasonable chance you’ll avoid any mishaps. Good luck! People who hate their jobs tend to move on and look for something else. Some even change their careers when they’re feeling unfulfilled by work.
But what do you do if you love your career, but need a new challenge? The good news is that there are a lot of ways you can turn things around and inject some excitement into your job. Here is some useful advice for taking on a new challenge, without changing your career. Move to a new location f you’re starting to outgrow your current workplace, moving to a new location could help keep things fresh for you. A change in location not only helps you realise new career opportunities but opportunities for your personal life too. Perhaps you want to move closer to home to be with family, or even move to an exciting new city or country? Wherever you decide to relocate, you’re going to need to get on the job hunt. Check out for some exciting opportunities that could invigorate your career. A change of scenery brings all kinds of changes, and could be just what you need to shake things up. Start chasing that promotion Perhaps a part of your frustration comes from outgrowing your role? When your job starts becoming routine and easy, it could be a sign that you’re ready for more. Start preparing for a promotion so that you’re ready to go for it when the opportunities come your way. Volunteer your time and skills to help others If you’ve always felt like you could do more with your skills and expertise, why not use what you have to do some good for others? If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, tit’s that community values are more important than ever. There are several ways you can use your skills to help others, including mentoring, pro bono work and volunteering to help charities and good causes. This can bring a lot of fulfilment to your role, and could even help you discover new opportunities that could help you choose a different path for your career. Take on a side hustle Side hustles are a great way to develop other interests that you have, without sacrificing your career. There are inspiring stories of people who’ve embarked on incredible new ventures, from starting fitness businesses to their own pizza brand! It’s possible to be passionate about more than one thing at a time, so why not give it a try so that you can get more out of your career. If you’re dissatisfied with your current situation, then it’s time to make a change. Even if you love your career, it doesn’t mean you have to stay exactly where you are - there are ways you can develop and grow tbring exciting change to both your career and your life outside work. There are all kinds of challenges out there waiting for you, so which one will you take on first? When lockdown started in March, workers across the UK packed up their office equipment and set up work stations in their own homes. Bedrooms, kitchen counter-tops and dining tables became the new way of working for millions of people. According to the ONS, 30% of adults in the UK were exclusively working from home at the start of July. BBC News has the info...
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024