The internet has long been one of the most helpful tools to grow your career. It’s great for discovering new opportunities, learning new skills, and even networking to meet new people in the industry. However, many people still don’t fully utilise the internet when it comes to growing their career, which is why we’ve put together this helpful post to show you just how beneficial the internet can be when it comes to growing your career.
Online training to help you learn new skills Online learning has made it possible for us to quickly switch to a new career path or acquire new skills to position ourselves for a promotion. Learning with the internet is incredibly convenient since you can do it anywhere as long as you have a computer and internet access. In addition, online learning is something you can do at your own pace since you don’t attend classes like a traditional school. This can be an extremely convenient alternative to regular academic classes and will enable you to study for a career change or pick up new skills even while you work your regular job. If you’re thinking about online training to help you pick up new skills to embark on a different career path, then services like Evercoach are a great place to start. Online learning can be extremely specific with what it teaches, but there are also some services that offer a wide variety of general disciplines too. Whatever you choose, it’s a good idea to see what courses are on offer and if there are any qualifications or certifications to earn at the end of it. Online coding and programming is becoming one of the fastest growing skills you can learn and this can open many different opportunities across all industries. Thanks to various sponsors and funding, Bay Valley Tech offers a free coding boot camp with other low cost learning options. Learning about different careers A great way to use the internet is to actually learn about different kinds of careers that are available to you. Some people have a fairly limited understanding of what career choices they have available to them with a certain skill set, but the internet can show you that there are loads of unique opportunities available out there if you’re willing to look around. It can really show you that there are unique ways to apply your skills and use your experience to follow a different career path, and it can help you chase your passions and figure out ways to make a living doing what you love. There are so many different career options out there whether you’re interested in pilot training or a career in law. It can be a good idea to meet with a career consultant to discuss your options. A career consultant can offer support in many different areas, such as:
Networking is one of the most useful ways to help you find new opportunities. Whether you have certain career goals in mind or if you’re looking for different paths to embark on, networking can be one of the best ways to seek out different job placements and learn about unique roles that you qualify for. Networking is essentially like using social media, but instead of using Twitter and Facebook, you’re more likely going to use LinkedIn or other professional platforms. They’re designed for professional use and they come with unique tools that allow you to list your experience and also the qualifications you have, making it easier to help advertise yourself as a suitable candidate.
Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but The Muse has the next best thing: a list of more than 40 of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.
Your CV on average can take just 34 seconds to be rejected! The Sun has some of the do's and don'ts for your CV check!
Google spent years studying what makes an effective boss and now they teach new managers the six things they found! has the lowdown on what Google think a new manager should know!
So Christmas is now done and over for another year and chances are that you've now got yourself back into work, but with the working environment continually changing, itself it time you had a look at how you can stay in the competitive market? LinkedIN has some ideas of how to go about creating the 'new you!'
When you apply for a job, you actually have two CV's out there. You may well submit one CV but its also your social media that acts as the second one so knowing exactly what's on it really helps especially as recruiters will find it too! The Muse has 8 easy ways to have a clean up!
We've all had that moment in an interview where you are asked, what are your strengths and weaknesses, but how do you answer those questions without sounding too big headed or not good enough? The Muse have some great tips with examples!
Your job application is submitted and then you get that phone call, the phone interview! The Muse has 22 big tips on nailing that phone call!
Going into an interview is nerve wrecking enough but having a few tricks up your sleeve could make or break it for you! Thrive Global have more on the tricks to your next gig!
Not many people in the world look forward to going for a job interview, for some, the anxiety levels go off the scales! Forbes has a short list of what could help prepare you for the next big job!
Whether its the IQ in your brain power or the talent you have playing sport on the pitch. The IQ and talent is incredible if it performs and that is why when you find the right attitude, it becomes the winner! Forbes has more on why more people should take note!
How do you approach an interview? How do you set yourself up to stand out in that interview? Do you try and sell the best version of yourself or do you try and show them just how you are? Forbes have some pointers to help steer you in the right direction!
One of the most common interview questions is, "Tell me about yourself", which is great as its all about you, but its also the hardest for some people. has some help at hand!
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024