Anyone who starts up a business does so because they feel they can make plenty of money. They’ll look to help people out and solve problems for certain target markets, but the idea is to grow and build. If you’re not making any money as a business, then you’re not going to be anywhere near success or prosperity.
In order to reach success, you have to ensure your business is geared up for success. Nobody stumbles upon success whenever they start a business. Some might be humble and say things that make it look as though they were extremely fortunate, but the fact is that they put in the effort and prepared accordingly. They had a philosophy and a way of doing things – and they stuck to it. None of it was an accident. Here are a few ways that anyone can ensure a small business can go from treading water to reaching the next level: Make Sure Your Mindset Is Geared Towards Prosperity And Nothing Else Before you even think about making changes or upgrades to your business, you’ll have to make sure you have the right ideas in your mind – and in the minds of those around you. If you have a broke mindset and a negative mentality, the chances are that you’ll never reach the stages you desire. You have to make sure that you’re in it for the long haul, too. It’s not just something you can achieve if you’re constantly thinking about failing or canceling plans. Get into the right headspace and you can achieve pretty much anything. Ensure You Have The Perfect Workplace You cannot get things done if you’re not situated in the best possible place. You don’t need to be in a high-rise building with the best equipment, but you need something that suits you and what you’re hoping to achieve. Make sure you’re able to get things done each day in this area and that you’re actively looking forward to heading in every single morning. This kind of importance can’t be stated enough. Prepare And Plan For Pretty Much Everything A business plan acts as both a guide for everyone, but also as a way of encouraging investment. Make sure you have everything detailed so that you can follow along and create a wonderful company. You’ll, of course, have to amend a few things along the way, but the core value and ideas will likely remain. You’ll also have to prepare in terms of the workplace and how everything is set up for everyone. Organize the workplace, ensure you get some eicr testing to avoid any electrical issues, and make it clear that there’s a set way of doing things. Bring In The Perfect People For Every Situation A good business cannot run without good people. You have to make sure that you have good personalities as well as those who can do the job(s) properly. It’s not all about their qualifications and experience, of course. Make sure you have good, honest people who can work well together and create a fantastic atmosphere. Know Exactly Where Things Are Going In The Long Term People who only think in the short term tend to run into all kinds of problems. They also will never really see a business with longevity. You have to think long term and consider what’s going to happen in the coming years in order to really make it work well. Knowing how things are going to be further on down the line allows you to make the right kinds of impactful decisions. Possess A Wonderful Online Presence And Platform A lot of work these days is done online. When people want to understand more about what you’re doing, they’ll head online and do a little more reading. If you’re not there to be read about or your pages are of low quality, you’re not going to be very impressive. Make sure you’ve got the online side of things sorted out. Get Lawyered Up And Protect Every Eventuality You just never know what might happen when it comes to the world of business. One day, you could be fine. The next day, you could be in a terrible place – all without realizing you’ve made huge mistakes. A business lawyer will be able to defend you or help you to go on the offensive if you feel that is the case. They’ll also be able to help you set up your business without running into any legal issues along the way. Learn Everything There Is To Know About The Marketing Side Marketing is incredibly important in business because you need to get people on board. It doesn’t matter how amazing your work is, nobody will part with their money if they don’t care about you. Business is about making relationships, and marketing your product or service is what will make those relationships flourish. Ensure You Have Insurance So That You Can Avoid Disasters Things will eventually go wrong if you’re in business long enough. Sometimes, you run into issues that are nobody’s fault. For instance, you could be dealt a blow by a natural disaster and it could destroy plenty of what you have going on. Financially, you could be ruined if you don’t have insurance backing you up. Create Contingency And Continuity Plans There will be situations where things go a little wrong. If you’re around long enough, then the chances are that you’ll run into all kinds of issues that require a little downtime or that make you feel a little stressed out. If you have no contingency plan or no business continuity in your setup, then the errors are going to be felt a lot more. Sometimes, you’re able to simply carry on as usual due to contingency plans that have been put in place years prior. The biggest and most successful businesses are able to sniff out every single issue and make sure things can run even if those flaws become bigger problems.
If you want to start a business, you’re going to need to find a way to get into that entrepreneurial mindset. Getting into the right mindset is key, whatever it is you want to do. Any great business owner will tell you the same thing. If you’re not sure that you’re in the right mindset yet, below you’ll find some pointers that will help you get into the entrepreneurial mindset in no time. Read on and see what you can do:
1. Find Mentors Find mentors who can inspire you. How do they act? How do they think? You may not be able to pick up on it all right away, but continuously trying to learn from them can help you to adjust your own actions and mindset. They can be people you know in real life who you admire, or people like Tony Robbins. You don’t need to spend a fortune to go to their seminars, unless you really want to. Reading up on their free material and watching their talks online can help you in a myriad of ways, and it won’t cost you anything. 2. Read Books The more books you can read on the subject, the better. Of course, some will resonate with you more than others. Try to read at least one book per month so that at the end of each year you have gotten through 12 books that have helped you to expand your mind. Books like Think and Grow Rich and Automic Habits are amazing places to start. 3. Get Clear on Who You Need To Be Your self image can have a lot to do with how easily you are able to get into ‘entrepreneurial mode’. You can do lots of reading and learning, but if you don’t change your self image, you’re unlikely to actually get to where you need to be. So, get clear on who you need to be to achieve your dreams. What do you need to believe? Who do you need to spend time with? How do you spend your days? Really immerse yourself in this new vision of yourself and then try to become that version of yourself each day. Soon, you won’t need to try and your goals will come to you far more effortlessly. 4. Set SMART Goals Setting vague goals rarely helps anybody. Setting SMART goals can help to give you goals that you can actually measure. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. This way, you know exactly what you must do, can see whether you’re getting to where you want to be, and have a deadline to keep you focused. 5. Work on Your Limiting Beliefs Limiting beliefs are often deeply ingrained in our subconscious, and play a huge part in how we act and what we believe we can achieve. In a way, it ties in with our own self image. Figure out what you believe deep down. You may consciously believe you can be a business owner, but what about subconsciously? If you don’t think you’re smart or cunning deep down, then you may not get to where you want to be. Get to know yourself inside out. 6. Figure Out Your Budget A budget will help you to see what you need to focus on when you get started. You’ll also be able to approach suppliers and start building relationships with them, which can further help you get into the right mindset. Whether you’re looking at a company to provide a carbon steel butt weld or a company to outsource your accounting to, make sure you consider this carefully. You will need to be frugal with your budget to begin with. 7. Stop Being Self Centred A good business owner in this day and age is always people-focused. This means remaining focused on both your customers and your team. It’s time to stop thinking about yourself and how you can benefit and instead think about how you can provide value to the people around you. This is what makes an effective business that can stand the test of time. 8. See Failure As A Step Towards Success Failure doesn’t need to be the boogeyman of business. It can teach you so much about what works and what doesn’t, and should be looked at as a valuable lesson. You aren't going to make it through life without making a few mistakes. Make sure you appreciate these mistakes and learn from them. Don’t dwell on them! 9. Always Keep Your ‘Why’ In Mind Entrepreneurs have a very clear idea of what their ‘why’ is and what they would like to achieve. If you forget your ‘why’ or your personal mission, you could easily fall out of your entrepreneurial mindset. Before making any decision, remind yourself of your why. Write it down so you can see it every day. Making sure you keep it in mind will inform you in many positive ways. 10. Stay Flexible Flexibility is key as an entrepreneur, too. You might be able to get into the right mindset fast, but that mindset might not benefit you forever. Things are changing, across all industries, and they are changing faster than ever. Make sure you’re always prepared to learn and do new things, whatever it takes to be successful. A flexible attitude and way of working is a must in 2021 and beyond, so don’t allow rigid thinking or an inflexible way of running your business. Getting into the entrepreneurial mindset fast might not seem possible to some, but with determination and SMART goals on your side, you should be able to do it in a week or less. This doesn’t mean you’ll never need to work on your mindset again, just that you’ll be in a much better place to start your business venture. It could even be worth changing your idea of what ‘entrepreneur’ means. It doesn’t have to mean a suit wearing, fast decision making, cut throat person who is cut off from their emotions. Anybody can start a business in this day and age!
We all take pleasure when our ideas come to fruition. We’re even more pleased when the ideas have an impact by improving motivation, innovation or productivity, among other areas. The spread of an idea can benefit many, but that popularity can also alter and distort the original. You can read more over at Entrepreneur Europe...
Financial uncertainty has prompted many to start thinking about a Plan B to help supplement their existing income, while others have spent lockdown pondering whether the career they thought they wanted is right for their long-term future. Entrepreneur Europe caught up with one CEO to find out how she runs her business in 3 hours at night!
Launching a product is a milestone event in the life of your firm. Even if you’re a relatively mature firm with a product library, each new addition to that family counts. For this reason, knowing how to launch with style, and get noticed, is important. It can serve as a refreshing point for your brand, while also giving you the chance to grow further and with confidence.
But simply hoping to do this well is one thing, and achieving those results is another. For the most part, there are many variables that contribute to your success here. Cultural trends, price fluctuations, competitor activity, all of this can influence your end result, and it’s almost impossible to predict this with complete accuracy. However, launching with style, and launching effectively need not be opposed. There’s every chance of hitting this out of the park, if only you took the time to understand what you have to offer and how you could best promote it. So, how can we get started? With the following, worthwhile advice: Video Promotion Excellent video production can help you design a snappy advertisement, or a promotion for your social media fields, or an unveiling that works for you. Visual mediums like this can help you express your product in its full glory, with all the bells and whistles. Furthermore, this can help generate hype, as the use of flashy imagery and music can bring a larger-than-life quality to just about anything. When you take the time to collaborate with a studio offering this kind of utility, you’ve taken the strongest, most exciting first step. Influencer Additions Influencers are all the rage and show almost no signs of slowing down in modern times, which means that they serve as a great brand opportunity. For instance, energy drink companies are partnering with high-profile video game streamers to give a sense of energy and enthusiasm to their brands. Social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram and others have their own form of advertisements through which you can promote, and you may even simply take out ads with these platforms to raise your profile inteh first place. Launching a product through this avenue could help you generate more hype and buzz than you had ever imagined possible. Real Celebrations Celebrate your product! If you can’t stand behind it, no one can. It’s important to really show what people can appreciate about your product, how it can work, and why people should get excited alongside you. This can be seen in your promotional material and copywriting, your branding, or just when and where you decide to release. For instance, throwing an event can be a means in which to bring people together and show them why they should support you, or it can generate hype that may ultimately end up being covered elsewhere. Real celebrations work, because everyone loves to celebrate. With this advice, launching a product with style will be a great use of your time. Attending exhibitions as a business can Help to keep your brand above water. Exhibitions help you to keep your brand in the market as well as remaining relevant and sharing it with the rest of the world. Exhibitions also help your brand to stay upbeat by showcasing your services and products, you can market your brand in a fun and fresh way, which allows you the perfect opportunity to network and speak to potential customers. It is vital to always increase brand recall value and credibility in the market to remain popular and relevant.
How Does It Help? Exhibitions and conferences are perfect opportunities for meeting key people face to face, in your industry. This gives you the perfect chance to market your business in a professional yet personal capacity and gives you the chance to talk to as many people as possible. You want to also market your business but take the time to learn about theirs too. Switch business cards and keep in touch. The more contacts you build, the better, for future reference or if something comes up that you feel you can connect with them on. You’ll need it to follow up after the event on email, this really establishes a relationship. Don’t forget that the event can also be used for carrying out market research too, just by asking others about your niche and what they may look for. Ask people what their needs are and look at the competition also. That is quite a vital element. You will certainly be surprised by how much you can learn - but in addition to this, you will be able to gain access to important information. If you want to market your business to other business professionals then it is good to have a clear message. Make sure you can clearly communicate, getting across all the information in around 30 seconds and being able to offer answers to questions they may have. There are plenty of great exhibition stand companies that are there to help you get on your feet. Once your stand is in place, decorate it with your branding as well as maximising your presence at business events. Use direct mail, e-newsletters, social media and PR to raise your profile ahead of the event. Flyers and magazines if you have them are great for people to take away, as well as possibly looking at goody bags that are a nice treat. Add any press releases and information that could help you at the exhibition. You’ll also need to prepare a press pack which can be slotted into your goody bag. Most exhibitions have a press office for journalists attending as well as photographers, so wear your best outfit and smile and learn to impress. If you are struggling with a press pack, then just add a few pieces of select information, images, news, and contact details so that you can be easily reached. It’s time to make your business stand out. There are many opportunities to get yourself to an exhibition, so start thinking of your next move! With a third of the global population living under lockdown, many are turning to science for the answers on how to be happy in these difficult times. By the evening of 26 March, 1.3 million people were enrolled in a Yale University online course entitled: The Science of Well Being. BBC News has the story...
Isn't life just hectic? Non-stop from the minute you climb out of your pit until you collapse into bed? BBC Worklife have a feature about 'how to reduce 'attention residue' in your life!
Fast Company have a list of 7 books that could help you become a leader in 2020. Click here to start building your library!
Your CV on average can take just 34 seconds to be rejected! The Sun has some of the do's and don'ts for your CV check!
Google spent years studying what makes an effective boss and now they teach new managers the six things they found! has the lowdown on what Google think a new manager should know!
When you apply for a job, you actually have two CV's out there. You may well submit one CV but its also your social media that acts as the second one so knowing exactly what's on it really helps especially as recruiters will find it too! The Muse has 8 easy ways to have a clean up!
Hiring managers are now saying that emotional intelligence is valued more than IQ. Fast Company have a quick read to why emotional intelligence is one of the fastest growing job skills.
"When leaders forget about the human element, they're holding back their companies and limiting the success of others." Sheldon Yellen, CEO of property-restoration company Belfor Holdings, hand-writes 9,200 birthday cards a year! You can read more in Business Insider!
Leaders can inspire, they can motivate and some make it look really easy, but just how do they do this? You can read more at!
Life is learning, everyday is learning and sometime when you look back, you wish you had known some of those things you've learnt, but when you were younger. tells of 5 lessons most people learn too late in life!
In the world of more and more companies trying to adopt a four-day workweek, Microsoft Japan tried it and saw a 40% increase in productivity! CNN Business has more on what could become more common!
For weeks you've wanted out, had enough of the daily crap you've had to deal with, but the question is, "Is it nuts to quit your job with no backup plan?" The Muse has some insight in how to approach this question!
Whether you like your job or not and if you don't, what are you doing to escape it?? The Muse have five things that you should get at work, yes even if you don't like the place!
You want to make a big career for yourself but think you need to learn so much to make it happen! The Muse has four habits that you need to try to make that career big for you! You can see more here!
Getting up early is the habit of most successful people, whether it be to meditate, write or organise their day, 'the early bird catches the worm' motto is seen throughout!
Tomas Svitorka has a piece on his website for some tips to help get yourself out of your bed! Your job application is submitted and then you get that phone call, the phone interview! The Muse has 22 big tips on nailing that phone call!
Lee Iacocca was a legend in the motor industry, introducing the Ford Mustang, the first US minivan, saving Chrysler, the list goes on! During his time, he gave 663 speeches and learned a huge lesson in leadership.
Forbes has more on what made his so good. You might leave work at the end of the day but remembering the events of that disruptive coworker or the rude email can still play on your mind even after getting home. have some ideas of how to leave work at the door.
Going into an interview is nerve wrecking enough but having a few tricks up your sleeve could make or break it for you! Thrive Global have more on the tricks to your next gig!
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024