When it comes to the way in which you wish to be perceived, you’re obviously going to want to take a little care. The world of business can be very unforgiving as everyone is in it to reach success, make money and get ahead of the competition. If you’re not looking as sexy as your competitors, then you’re going to be left behind. Building relationships and being seen as the best option is what business is essentially all about. Creating the right products and services matters a lot, but you have to make people interested in the first place.
Ensuring you have a solid reputation means putting in genuine work. You’re not just going to be seen as a reliable and attractive online business as soon as you launch. Here are a few things you can do to make sure the reputation of your up-and-coming company stays positive and on point: Keep Secure Amidst Potential Cybercrime You never can be too safe when it comes to your data and your information online. If you aren’t fully protected or you do not have an IT firm watching over you and supporting you, then you can become the prime target for criminals. As a small business, you may get away with things because you’re not going to be the most desirable of the pack. As time gets on and you grow, however, you’re probably going to be targeted by plenty of cybercriminals out there. When it comes to the way you behave online, you’ll probably know about keeping professional and having the right social media etiquette, but this is about more than just the way you convey yourself to others. Work With Dedicated Companies There are literally firms out there that specialize in ensuring a company has a solid online presence and reputation. You can find online reputation management profile defenders if you look hard enough as there are plenty around that will want to help. They’ll work with you and understand everything about you as they basically take the reins regarding your PR and outreach. If you want to make a solid first impression or recover from a public issue, then this would be a marvelous outlet. Network With Reliable And Highly Regarded Companies It tends to be about who you know in the world of business. If you’re able to speak professionally with the right people, then you’re going to have solid connections. This will work in your favor as you’ll be looking good by association, but you’ll also be able to call upon some of them for assistance in the future. Stay Consistent And Work Hard People always appreciate good old-fashioned hard work. If you’re a business that simply doesn’t want to be in the effort, then why should anyone else put in any effort or care? This goes one further and into real life as a fulfilling life is one of hard work and great results – ensure you adopt it in your professional life. Having a reputation of being a hard worker can never be a bad thing.
As a business owner, you are probably already aware of your employees' vital role in your company's success. Not only are they the lifeblood of your company, but without them, you could probably just close up shop right now. That said, ensuring your employees are as positive and productive as possible is vital to ensure your business not only stays afloat but thrives, which is why these few tips on how to cultivate positivity within your workforce could really be of use - have a look!
Provide a comfortable workspace for your employees Employees who enjoy their job more are generally happier, and therefore perform better. Ensuring that your employees have a comfortable place to work is one way of cultivating positivity - this might include a nice desk with an ergonomic chair or just ensuring they're not in the middle of an open room at all times! Employees who struggle with health conditions like asthma are especially vulnerable to bad air quality. As many as thirty million people in the US have some form of respiratory allergies, and this can be exacerbated by poor indoor air quality - keeping your employees healthy is paramount! In fact, it's estimated that about 20% of all workers suffer from allergies on a daily basis (often caused by poor air quality), which means you should take immediate action if you want your business to flourish. For example, ensuring there are plenty of plants within an office space or even just introducing better Commercial air purifiers could help immensely when it comes to promoting positive thinking amongst your workforce. Create incentives to motivate them further Everyone loves a reward, and as such, it's important to motivate your employees to cultivate positivity within their mindsets. Offering them incentives for performing well is one way of doing that! But be careful; too many rewards can often lead to poorer job satisfaction amongst workers; instead, use smaller rewards or even just verbal praise when an employee goes above and beyond what was required of them. This could involve anything from giving out small tokens at staff meetings (maybe five total each month) or simply catching someone before they leave the office and telling them how great they're going with something. Positive reinforcement will help improve productivity over time, which means cultivating positivity within your workforce is now even easier. By following these simple steps, you can easily cultivate positivity amongst your employees and help them perform better - which should improve the overall productivity of your business! Have a reward system in place for top performers Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work, and as such, offering a reward system in place is one way of doing that. Whether it's an employee of the month award or any other type of recognition, you want them to feel good about themselves - this will help cultivate positivity within your workforce! And don't limit yourself either - if someone really goes above and beyond what was required from them, then they deserve extra praise (even a small monetary bonus would suffice). In fact, some businesses even take it up another level by rewarding employees with days off when they go beyond expectations; give your employees something positive to think about! Delegate more responsibilities to your employees Sometimes you might feel like your employees aren't doing enough, but this is an extremely negative mindset to have. Instead, consider delegating more responsibilities to them so that they can learn new skills and improve themselves for the future! Businesses often implement a mentorship program to help guide their employees; sometimes, it's also helpful if there are two managers who take up some of the responsibility from those higher-ups (like yourself). This will give everyone involved greater autonomy over what they do at work, which means positivity should flourish within your workforce. And don't be afraid about giving junior staff members tasks either: many recent studies show that more senior workers actually perform better when paired together with a colleague who's less experienced. This is because they can create new relationships and help improve the overall collaborative culture at work! If possible, try pairing up those senior workers with junior staff members of similar interests or skill sets so that they can learn from one another to develop their own skills further (which will benefit them both) Be an effective leader, not just a boss Being an effective leader is a great way to cultivate positivity within your workforce instead of just being the boss! Instead of simply delegating jobs and expecting results, try taking an active role in their development. By doing this, you'll be able to lead them effectively without adversely affecting productivity because you're not micromanaging everything they do. Be sure that you communicate with your employees regularly, so everyone knows what's going on; once again, this will help them feel valued over time which should improve overall morale at work (which means higher levels of overall productivity). Part of being a great leader is ensuring that you are employing all of the skills that you have at your disposal. Strategic thinking is going to be a continual theme in your working day. Strategize how to get the most from your team. What does strategic thinking look like? Check out these strategic thinking examples. If possible, have some sort of weekly or monthly meeting where all staff members are present for positive reinforcement and any problems that need to be addressed. This will help cultivate positivity within your workforce, as everyone knows they have a voice and can speak up when necessary! Consider employee benefits Sometimes it might feel like you can't afford to offer additional benefits to your employees, but with some careful planning and budgeting, there are often ways around this issue. Health insurance, for example, is a benefit that many employers choose to provide as it's not only beneficial in the long-term (like being able to take time off when sick) - but also helps improve productivity on an immediate basis! Of course, even something small like offering free food at lunchtime or allowing people flexible working hours could make all the difference over time. Offering employee discounts is another great way of helping them save money while they're hard at work earning wages; plus, it'll help cultivate positivity within the workforce by making them happy every single day. If you're struggling to afford additional benefits or perks, try looking at what other businesses in your industry are offering and see if they offer a competitive package! This could give them ideas for how to improve their business which will help cultivate positivity within your workforce. If you carefully consider all these factors over time and adapt accordingly, cultivating positivity within your workforce should come naturally to you! With a third of the global population living under lockdown, many are turning to science for the answers on how to be happy in these difficult times. By the evening of 26 March, 1.3 million people were enrolled in a Yale University online course entitled: The Science of Well Being. BBC News has the story...
Employees never have to apologise for having a life, believe it or not! LinkedIn has a story that all bosses should take note of!
Your CV on average can take just 34 seconds to be rejected! The Sun has some of the do's and don'ts for your CV check!
Google spent years studying what makes an effective boss and now they teach new managers the six things they found! Inc.com has the lowdown on what Google think a new manager should know!
When you apply for a job, you actually have two CV's out there. You may well submit one CV but its also your social media that acts as the second one so knowing exactly what's on it really helps especially as recruiters will find it too! The Muse has 8 easy ways to have a clean up!
If you've retired and looking for something on the side, your own little side hustle then it might be worth checking out the book, '100 Side Hustles: Unexpected Ideas for Making Extra Money Without Quitting Your Day Job by Chris Guillebeau. Forbes has more on the great read!
"When leaders forget about the human element, they're holding back their companies and limiting the success of others." Sheldon Yellen, CEO of property-restoration company Belfor Holdings, hand-writes 9,200 birthday cards a year! You can read more in Business Insider!
Leaders can inspire, they can motivate and some make it look really easy, but just how do they do this? You can read more at TonyRobbins.com!
In the world of more and more companies trying to adopt a four-day workweek, Microsoft Japan tried it and saw a 40% increase in productivity! CNN Business has more on what could become more common!
For weeks you've wanted out, had enough of the daily crap you've had to deal with, but the question is, "Is it nuts to quit your job with no backup plan?" The Muse has some insight in how to approach this question!
Whether you like your job or not and if you don't, what are you doing to escape it?? The Muse have five things that you should get at work, yes even if you don't like the place!
We've all had that moment in an interview where you are asked, what are your strengths and weaknesses, but how do you answer those questions without sounding too big headed or not good enough? The Muse have some great tips with examples!
You want to make a big career for yourself but think you need to learn so much to make it happen! The Muse has four habits that you need to try to make that career big for you! You can see more here!
Getting up early is the habit of most successful people, whether it be to meditate, write or organise their day, 'the early bird catches the worm' motto is seen throughout!
Tomas Svitorka has a piece on his website for some tips to help get yourself out of your bed! Your job application is submitted and then you get that phone call, the phone interview! The Muse has 22 big tips on nailing that phone call!
Lee Iacocca was a legend in the motor industry, introducing the Ford Mustang, the first US minivan, saving Chrysler, the list goes on! During his time, he gave 663 speeches and learned a huge lesson in leadership.
Forbes has more on what made his so good. You might leave work at the end of the day but remembering the events of that disruptive coworker or the rude email can still play on your mind even after getting home. myfitnesspal.com have some ideas of how to leave work at the door.
Going into an interview is nerve wrecking enough but having a few tricks up your sleeve could make or break it for you! Thrive Global have more on the tricks to your next gig!
Its great to have some self-awareness about yourself and how you portray yourself but how do you turn that into self-improvement? Harvard Business Review has more on making yourself more powerful!
Not many people in the world look forward to going for a job interview, for some, the anxiety levels go off the scales! Forbes has a short list of what could help prepare you for the next big job!
If you're the boss and trying to motivate your team but not getting very far, its possible that you could be going about it the wrong way! TonyRobbins.com has some pointers to help you moving in the right direction!
The answer before I even ask is already yes! Could you work a 4-day week? Of course you could! Its already a 4-day week in Norway, Holland and Denmark to name just a few and there are plenty of calls for more countries to do the same!
One woman tried the 4-day week and gave an account of her own experience! The Mirror has more! Why do people really quit their job? There is a huge variety of reasons and several people from Facebook's own Human Resources team tried to find out some of the reasons! The Harvard Business Review has more!
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024