Recruitment is tricky at every stage of the company. From the lower end of the pay scale to the very top, you never want to be responsible for making a bad hire. Some candidates that seem great during the interview process just don’t work out, and that’s fine, but you still want to make sure you get it just right the first time. This is especially important further up the company channel, and leadership positions are notoriously difficult to fill. What can recruiters do to make it easier? Here are four recruiting tips to help.
Make Use Of Your Network Throughout the years, you have met people who have introduced you to even more people both across the industry and otherwise. If you are searching for the perfect leadership candidate, you can make use of this vast network to find recommendations and receive advice. This advice is especially useful if you’ve never been tasked with filling leadership roles before. Previous mentors or co-workers will be happy to offer assistance and identify what skills and personalities you must look for to pick the most suitable candidate. Hire From Within Companies across the country and even the world consider the benefits of internal promotion versus external promotion, and both of them have their advantages. When considering hiring from within, you are assured a candidate who has experience in the company culture, which eliminates disruptions. Furthermore, the people around are familiar with them already, so there will be less of an adjustment as everyone tries to figure the leader out. This approach also gives employees something to aim for, which boosts motivation and reduces issues like presenteeism, making your company more attractive. Get Outside Help Business owners are often busy; it is part of the job after all. This might mean you don't have time to conduct interviews with hundreds of candidates for leadership roles; you don't want to meet with hundreds of applicants anyway. The talent pool should be small, and everyone should have promise. You can minimize the time it takes to hire for a new role by working with a headhunting company that can use its vast database to highlight the candidates perfectly suited to your leadership role. Buck The Trend You might feel that it is time for a change within your company. Whether you understand the need to adapt to the times or see the old guard retiring, this could be your chance to buck the trend and cultivate a new company culture. Unexpected hires are not unheard of, and many have turned out to be more successful than anticipated. This is not a method that is always successful, but as long as they have the skills that make the candidate equipped for any role, it could help your business thrive and make those crucial steps forward. Hired Whether you find the perfect outside candidate or reward a dedicated employee with the role of a lifetime, these tips give you plenty to consider. A good hire can have a positively impact the company's success, especially in leadership, so it is always vital to pick the perfect person to fill the role.
Hiring anyone and bringing them into your firm as a staff member is an investment not only in your firm, but the person who accepts that new role with you. That said, staff members are in a unique position in terms of the risk they carry with them. This is because staff members will begin to slowly understand how your business operates, may one day have access to sensitive information, may be responsible for a good portion of your daily functioning, and of course, will bring their own creativity, practicality and visionary thinking to the role in question.
For this reason, the approach you take to hiring matters. To start with, this involves making our company the kind of space where people actually want to come and work, particularly those with good skills to offer. That said, it’s also true that in order to minimize those potential and aforementioned risks, we need to think of a few ways we can look ahead and counter problems that may be caused through laziness now, at this vital juncture. Without further ado, let’s consider what this may involve: Pre-Employment Medical Exams It’s a great idea to embark on pre employment medical inspections, not so you have a confidential understanding of the health of your potential hires (as this is confidential information), but that you know they’re well enough to do the job, that they have all of their vaccinations (this is becoming an even more hot topic as many companies are starting to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations to work there), and more. Having this performed by a professional, confidential service can help you both move on knowing problems like this are unlikely to raise their head. Vet Their References Many businesses require references from their applications, but few actually take the time to confirm these are correct. Even a quick phone call to make sure that someone did work at a given company, asking how they were as an employee, and more can show that your potential recruit was perfectly candid in providing this information and had people to back them. Even if the past employer has mixed impressions of this person, that should show integrity and a willingness to apply with honesty. A Trial Shift Or Social Situation It’s good to give a trial shift from time to time, but that might not be applicable depending on the kind of business you run. If you’re running a fitness supplement company and a high level executive is coming into the firm, it might be good to invite them out and see how they treat waiting staff, or even work out with them to see how they act under pressure, or give them a quick case study to discuss how they might bring ideas to a given situation. This can help you assess the character of a person as opposed to their listed credentials, or in support of them. With this advice, we hope you can make sure your hiring decision is the smart move. “A team is only as strong as its weakest member.” This is an old saying that proves to be true in many different scenarios. How you recruit employees will help determine your company’s success, and it’s crucial to be thorough in this process.
Work on Your Recruitment Process You can split the recruitment process into two main categories: 1. The process of finding and recruiting new employees 2. The hiring part Both processes need a lot of attention when you’re building your team for success. Ensure that every person is suitable for all areas within your company but significant in leadership positions. These will set the tone and culture across the rest of your organisation. You can either choose to use an in-house recruitment team or outsource these services. To ensure that you get the best out of your in-house team, ensure that you have the right professionals for the job and help them sharpen their skills to identify befitting candidates. Institutions such as RPO will help you in streamlining and educating your recruitment team. It would help if you chose people with teamwork and communication skills, especially in managerial positions, because they will manage your company’s teams. You want them to give clear direction but also be able to work together as a team effectively too. It’s no good having one person with all the best qualities for this kind of role. If they can’t get along well or communicate effectively with their teammates, their talent won’t matter; that leader will not succeed. Create a Business Culture in Your Operations A business culture refers to beliefs and behaviours that define how the employees in a business should behave. When you choose to build your team, it is essential to consider what this culture will be like as part-time workers or full-time staff may not fit well within such an environment. This can work both ways: either the new hires embrace the existing company culture and become its strongest supporters, or they do not align with it and thus feel unhappy at work, ultimately leading them to quit their job quickly. Creating a business culture entails ensuring employees understand how they fit within the company, their roles, and which behaviours you expect. Be Firm and Fair in Remuneration It is essential to ensure that your employees don’t feel undervalued or taken for a ride. Of course, the remuneration must align with industry standards and be commensurate with their abilities and experience. Also, make sure you have space for growth within the organisation before committing any money on them initially. After all, it is not about how much they earn now but what they can make over time from your company if they are genuinely committed to taking things forward. So, treat everyone financially fairly at this stage of the recruitment process -- otherwise, there is no point going ahead. In addition, make sure you do some homework beforehand by studying current market trends and salaries across various job profiles. It will give you an edge during negotiations and help keep everyone happy and motivated. Be Keen on Career Growth Career growth is a must for a successful business. If your employees don’t feel like their career path is going anywhere, they will not be able to give you 100% of their efforts. It would help if you took the time necessary to understand what makes each employee tick and grow from there - this way, you can better judge who could benefit from where to develop them as professionals further. In addition, having an open discussion with everyone on your team about how work-life balance affects productivity will help establish boundaries that promote optimal performance while respecting personal development goals and current needs. Encourage Discipline, Responsibility, and Accountability Discipline, responsibility, and accountability are the most common traits that employers seek from their employees. These are the key factors to ensure you run a successful organisation. In addition, it helps maintain an organised and structured work environment, the foundation for building a winning team. With these values instilled, you will have a motivated workforce who would put in maximum efforts towards achieving better results at work apart from being focused on your business goals. Conclusion In conclusion, as a successful entrepreneur, you need to prepare your recruitment process as early as possible and follow the proper steps. In addition to this, you need to create a business culture within your organisation that sets high standards for all employees, which would further help in building a winning team.
Is your career stuck in a rut? Are you struggling to fulfill the potential that you know you hold? Well, then you have come to the right place! Indeed, in the post below you can get some clever ideas on how to push your career to the next level. Keep reading to find out what they are.
Eat the frog First of all, the well-known business concept of eating the frog can help here. No, it's not about throwing your hand up in the air and heading to the nearest French eatery! Instead, in this scenario, eating the frog represents the thing that you don't want to do, the idea being that by getting this done first the rest of your day is all downhill from there. Indeed, there is some good evidence to show that the sense of achievement we feel by completing difficult tasks, is enough to propel us through the rest of the day with ease. Not to mention the fact that dealing with the hardest thing first obliterators procrastination, which is only good news for your career trajectory. Stay up to date with the news in your field There are many benefits to staying abreast of the trends in your industry, including being privy to cutting-edge information first, and ensuring that you gain expert status in the eyes of your customers and colleagues. Indeed, by regularly reading articles about the area in which you work you can gain all sorts of valuable information that may have a direct impact on the way you go about your day-to-day tasks and even the future of your career. With that in mind, favoriting industry experts on social media, and setting google alerts for specific key terms related to your field can be a very helpful way to boost your career prospects. Study for new qualifications It may seem like a no-brainer, but learning new skills and qualifications is one of the best things you can do to enhance your career. Of course, the education that you choose needs to be as relevant to your industry as possible to be most effective. For instance, if you are an IT professional looking to focus on creating a service management system, then taking a qualification such as the ITIL foundation exam, is a great way to begin. However, if you find yourself in a different type of industry such as HR, then choosing a foundation CIPD exam is a better choice. Email someone in your network All too often people expect their network of contacts to do all the heavy lifting in terms of their career, finding them suitable placements, and putting them in touch with the right people. However, what anyone hoping to progress in their career needs to understand is that networks function based on exchange. What this means is, if you want something from a network contact, you will need to have built up a certain amount of capital first. This capital can often be secured by offering to help them with something they need complete. Indeed, if you can identify the people you are most likely to need help from and focus on providing value to them, you will be all set when it comes time to call those favours back in. It is important to make sure you have career goals as much as possible, and there are a number of factors to consider when you are looking at a new career path this year. The coronavirus pandemic is something that has impacted all of us in so many ways, and there is a lot to keep in mind here. Try to make the most of this, and use the uncertainty in the world right now as a chance to take charge of your future and set career goals for 2021.
It might be time to consider a change of career this year, and there are a lot of options you can consider that will help you to make the most of this right now. Try to come up with ideas that will allow you to achieve the best possible career path this year, but it is also important to make sure you have realistic goals in order to make sure they’re easier to achieve. And these are some of the key factors that you need to consider when it comes to making the most of this. Think About Your Interests Thinking about what you are interested in is really important, and there are a lot of elements that play a role in helping you to develop a career path you can be proud of. Make sure you think about some of the best ways of achieving this right now, and there are so many factors that you should be making the most of right now. If you can pursue a career path that links or relates to things you are interested in, then this is one of the best options for you. So many people wish they could do a job they really love, and it makes it so much easier to get out of bed in the morning if you are going to a job you love. Improve Your Experience There are a lot of things that you should be looking to make the most of, and it is vital that you look at being able to focus on this as much as possible. Try to come up with ideas that will allow you to boost and improve your experience, and this is something that you should be looking to make the most of right now. There are plenty of online courses or qualifications you could be taking in order to improve and boost your experience and help you to be more qualified for the job at hand. Start Looking for the Right Kinds of Jobs You need to make sure you start looking for the right kinds of jobs that will help you to improve the way you look at being able to do things like this. There are a lot of ideas that will play a role in helping you here, and it depends on what sort of thing you’d like to do. For instance, there are so many opportunities if you are looking at getting a job in the public sector. These are some of the things you need to be considering when it comes to looking at some of the best ways of improving your career prospects. You have to make sure you focus on being able to improve your ideas when it comes to assessing this right now. Choosing the right career prospects and making the right kinds of changes is something you need to make the most of right now. It is now been just over one year since the UK government announced a total lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been a funny year. The world has felt like it has both sped up and slowed down at the same time. Everything looks different now.
You can’t go shopping unless it’s for essentials, lots of people haven’t been able to spend time with their friends and family, and when you do go to places you have to sanitise everything and wear a mask as protection. The saddest thing of all is that people have lost loved ones and their jobs as a result. Lots of people are feeling incredibly hopeless right now, and when there may not seem as though there’s a light at the end of this long, dark, tunnel--it is still worth thinking of planning towards your future- especially if you have lost work. Look at Your CV/ Resume There’s going to be a lot of competition for people applying for work right now. Recruiters will be busier than ever making their way through all of the CVs and resume's that come to their inbox supporting an application for a job that they have advertised. You don’t want yours to be at the bottom of that big pile. Find someone to look at your CV or resume, and ask them to tell you honestly what it says about you as a potential employee. This could be a work colleague, your boss, or a professional writing service like ARC Resumes ( Would they employ you based on your CV? Chances are that this interview ticket is selling you short. Consider Changing Career Path If you’ve lost a job then the first thing you’re going to do is to start looking for jobs with the same title. However, why should that always be the case? If you’ve had several years of experience in one industry, the chances are that you’ve developed some pretty impressive transferable skills that can be used all over the place. Changing career path is not an easy thing to consider, especially in the current market--but now is as good a time as any to do just that. Discuss your previous experience with recruiters and let them do some of the hard work employment matching for you. Use This as an Opportunity to Upskill During the first lockdown, lots of course providers started to provide their content online. This is great news as it means that there’s plenty of opportunities for you to learn more skills to make you more employable. One of the benefits of this is that you can complete the work in your own time and at your own pace. So whether you’re interested in doing either coding, business administration or health and social care courses, there are plenty of options for you. The best news is that being out of work is the perfect opportunity for you to reassess and take the time to figure out exactly where you want to be in life. Finding a job is not an easy task in today’s saturated markets. Unemployment has been on the rise for years and it seems to be slowly sinking into the red zone because of Covid-19. However, there is still a way to achieve your career goals. When finding a job, you have probably already looked at all the websites that promise to offer the best jobs in your city. Perhaps you have joined groups and social media sites that help you find suitable positions. What else can you do to assist yourself?
Don’t limit yourself When applying to a job searching company, do not necessarily give a limited job definition that you can perform. If you have a wealth of skills, apply even for jobs that may be quite different from each other. Also, do not hesitate to challenge yourself and ask for job offers as well that seem to be less likely to be accepted. Be sure to emphasize your benefits and abilities and what you are willing to give and invest. Tell employers how you can benefit, and what your contribution will be to their business. And always, do preliminary (not necessarily long) research on the intended employer. Find out what the corporate culture is, what characterizes the company. When you come to an interview with prior knowledge and with clear answers to questions, the chances of finding a job even faster rises miraculously. In addition, learn to use the smart tools that can be found within job search sites. With these tools, you can better focus on the jobs that interest you. By job definitions, by geographical areas, by the type of flexibility you want. Using these tools will allow you to spend less time searching because you will find a job much easier - even in these turbulent times. Look at your current skills and see what may need to be improved on. If you want to work in technology then perhaps you should consider a course in computer technology or a niche area. If you want to move into garden landscaping, you should consider looking at ways to learn how to become a tree surgeon. Once you have these skills in black and white, you will have the confidence to talk openly to the employer about what you can offer them in return. Stay on top of opportunities by receiving email notifications about suitable jobs. This will cut down the time you spend trolling through every page. It is very important to be updated on a daily basis on the site as the supply of jobs varies from day to day and you will not want to miss the opportunity when interesting and new jobs emerge in your region. The use of social media sites helps prospective employers look at your track record which is why you should use LinkedIn and other sites to cultivate a great image. Keep information professional, including your email address. Show you’re serious and willing to find a great position and you will surely stumble upon the ideal job. It makes information more digestible
Learning skills is in human nature. We need to learn skills to grow, develop and adjust from a young age. However, it seems counterintuitive to learn all your skills from a set of books. Indeed, young children learn through practice and copying the adults around them. It would be foolish to assume that people change their approach when they grow older. Mimicking gestures and processes is an innate mechanism. Consequently, compiling information in a format that focuses on the copying part of the learning process can facilitate skills acquisition. The adult education sector can partner with a professional video production company to turn reading materials into videos. Concepts are more easily digestible and approachable when they are shown rather than read, which can speed up learning for adults. Similarly, when showing isn’t an option, telling remains a valuable tool. Let’s not forget that people grew up in a storytelling environment before books existed. As such, podcasts are a suitable alternative to videos. It brings new incentives Modern classrooms have been using gamification with their students of all ages. For children, gamification used to be in the form of a physical reward, such as a star or a small present, to mark successes. Nowadays, teachers rely on virtual rewards, using apps to allocate points, badges, and creative avatars. Gamification apps can be equally effective for adults, as they provide a new sense of motivation. Don’t we all want to win? Earning badges and points can encourage adults to prolong learning sessions and memorise new knowledge quicker and better. Knowledge is always available How did school go for you? As a child, you needed to revise your book-based lessons before a test. As an adult, the same principle may not be suitable for your day-to-day life. Ultimately, it’s hard to make time for learning when you’ve got to manage work and a household. Consequently, digital tech makes knowledge accessible whenever and wherever you need it, whether you want to listen to the latest school podcasts during your commute or use the app to refresh your memory. Digitalising knowledge adds flexibility. In a world where remote teaching has become the new normal, it’s essential to maintain the technology even after turning the covid page. Digital technology makes learning more manageable for millions of adults who need to upskill. Whether they want to integrate into a new culture or boost their career progression, digital teaching makes their goal possible. When people think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), they tend to think of movies where AI goes wrong and threatens the universe. Thankfully, the reality is far more boring.
AI is a range of systems that can perform tasks that generally rely on human intelligence to complete. This can include things like analysis and problem-solving. Marketing Marketers are beginning to use AI for a range of marketing tasks. From automating PPC campaigns to curating content and running chatbots and online chatroom software to engage customers. Amazon is one of the leaders in utilizing AI and use it for a number of things, including product recommendations. Cybersecurity Some companies are using AI to continuously analyse their IT network and identify traffic that deviates from normal activity. When abnormal or suspicious activity if identified, it can then work to protect the network. Cybersecurity is a priority for organizations of all sizes and a successful attack can be devastating both in terms of reputation and financially. Automated Recruitment HR and recruitment can be a very labour intensive process. With unemployment rising in the wake of COVID-19, there are hundreds, even thousands of applicants for every job. AI automation can be used to find and analyse candidate applications. Market Conditions Predicting changing market conditions is extremely difficult. The sheer amount of information that needs to be processed is impossible for a human to do. Instead, large investment firms and hedge funds use AI to analyze and predict the market. Health Care Machine learning is being adopted in the healthcare sector. With it, doctors can detect if a patient with an existing condition is deteriorating and intervene before they need hospital care. The pace of machine learning in healthcare is also leading to the earlier detection of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The sooner a condition is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment methods can be. This saves lives and saves money. Software Vulnerability Testing Software needs to be airtight when it comes to security. Any vulnerability can make it susceptible to attack. Companies are using AI models to detect vulnerabilities and predict attacks. Behavioural Analytics Using AI to identify negative behaviours is a controversial use of the technology, but nevertheless, some companies are finding it invaluable. It is used to identify bad behaviour within the workforce, it can even predict if someone is unhappy in their job and is thinking of leaving. Automated Accounting Today’s financial transactions take place online. The Fintech sector is incorporating AI into its products in order to automate things such as expense reporting, bookkeeping and data entry. Conclusion Businesses have barely scratched the surface when it comes to implementing AI. The sheer number of potential uses for it is difficult to imagine. As technology improves and the cost reduces, more and more industries are going to start using AI in many areas of their business. When you apply for a job, you actually have two CV's out there. You may well submit one CV but its also your social media that acts as the second one so knowing exactly what's on it really helps especially as recruiters will find it too! The Muse has 8 easy ways to have a clean up!
We've all had that moment in an interview where you are asked, what are your strengths and weaknesses, but how do you answer those questions without sounding too big headed or not good enough? The Muse have some great tips with examples!
You want to make a big career for yourself but think you need to learn so much to make it happen! The Muse has four habits that you need to try to make that career big for you! You can see more here!
Going into an interview is nerve wrecking enough but having a few tricks up your sleeve could make or break it for you! Thrive Global have more on the tricks to your next gig!
A good routine has been proven to provide a structure to your day no matter how much is 'going on' right now. Entrepreneur Europe has 14 hacks to boost your day!
How do you approach an interview? How do you set yourself up to stand out in that interview? Do you try and sell the best version of yourself or do you try and show them just how you are? Forbes have some pointers to help steer you in the right direction!
For some, working from home is the dream! People working in the retail world or hospitality industry really could actually only dream about being able to work from home! If you're lucky enough for this dream to come true for you or have a chance, could help with a convincing stat to the boss!
Why do people really quit their job? There is a huge variety of reasons and several people from Facebook's own Human Resources team tried to find out some of the reasons! The Harvard Business Review has more!
While this is an advert for some courses that run, it does give you an idea of some of the new things you might want to try! Here is the link...
So many jobs with so many people applying! But what do the 'outstanding candidates' do when it comes to bagging the job they are chasing? Liz Ryan, writing for Forbes has ten big tips!
The morning commute for some is the worst part of the day, you're going to work, the bus or the tube is crowded and you've spent the last 20 minutes with your face in the armpit of some bloke called Dave.. who doesn't believe in deodorant.. we've all been there! The recruitment people at have a quick guide of how to best make use of your time on your travels!
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024