If you're running a business then you need to put the safety of you and your employees at the forefront of your mind. Your office building has to be a safe environment, and whether you are buying one or you have rented one, that should be one of your first priorities. Not only do you want to protect the way that your business is running, but you have to protect the people working in and visiting the building.
From ensuring that you have the correct emergency door releases to ensuring that you have a floodlit parking spot, you want to make sure that every single person that works for you feels like they are being safe when they go to work. There are plenty of risks for security today, and keeping your building secured is not always the easiest thing to do among all of those. So, let's find out below how you can keep that building of yours secure when you are working.
There is a great deal of attention on business cyber security right now, and while it's an important aspect of safeguarding your company, physical security measures should never be overlooked! Indeed, protecting the IRL security of your business and its premises is one of the most crucial things to get right, and the consequences of making a mistake can be costly. With that in mind, check out our simple guide to physically safeguarding your business below.
CCTV Surveillance One of the best options for safeguarding your business premises is to install CCTV surveillance. Indeed, CCTV can act as a very effective deterrent to those who would otherwise consider unauthorised entry or theft. CCTV or closed circuit television can be set to record specific areas of your premises which allows you not only to monitor what is happening, but also who is entering and exiting the building. CCTV has also recently become a great deal cheaper as well, which makes it a great return on your investment while ensuring your business stays as secure as possible. Proper Fencing Another effective way that you can safeguard your business is to make sure you have secure fencing around the perimeter of your premises. This is because it will make it that much harder for those with nefarious intentions to get near or into your building. There is a range of fencing options you can choose from for your business. Although, products like this PVC Mesh by allimports.com.au is ideal because it's resistant to weathering and breaking as the wires are intertwined rather than welded. This means it will stay functional for a long time, so you can maintain security without worrying about the cost of constantly having to replace your fencing. Security Guards Many businesses also like to invest in security guards to help keep their premises safe. Security guards can be particularly effective at this because not only are they specially trained to deal with security breaches, but the presence of a live person is often much more offputting to those that would try to gain access to your property than any other option. Security guards can be commissioned to work only at night, or during the day as well, dependent on the needs of your business. You can also choose to employ them in-house or outsource this need to an agency. Although, you will need to weigh the benefits of the costs involved with the advantages of security it provides. Locks And Alarms An obvious, but effective method of safeguarding your business premises is to make sure to install top-quality locks and a good alarm system. Locks add challenge to the task of anyone trying to break in, and they also add additional time which means more chance of being caught. A good alarm system on the other hand will act as a major deterrent. This is because it will immediately alert you (and/or your security provision) that someone unauthorised has gained entry to your building. This means you will be able to take swift action and hopefully catch them red-handed. One fact about businesses and crime that you should learn is that they tend to be a more frequent target than private individuals or homes when it comes to attempted theft. This comes down to one thing, mostly: people know what you have more to steal. As such, you should identify what your most valuable assets are and, when you do, make sure that you invest in the following to protect them.
Securing your building Naturally, if you have an office building, a warehouse, or any other kind of work building, then that should be the first thing that you think about protecting. Reinforcing the doors and windows, especially with tamper-free locks, is one of the single best ways to prevent unauthorized entry, but you should also look at what you can do to deter criminals. For instance, using exterior lighting to make the area much more visible and having CCTV cameras (even if they aren’t active) can make your building look like a riskier prospect, which may encourage them to move on to other targets. Securing your stock Your most valuable assets might very well be concentrated in one place and, if they are, it’s likely to be the storeroom. Stock theft is just as likely to be committed by an internal threat, such as an employee or even a customer as it is someone breaking in. For that reason, additional protection like access control systems can help you determine who can get in and who can get out. What’s more, you can keep a record each time the door to the stock room is open, so it can easier to track down the culprit after the fact. Securing your tech The technology that you equip your team with is likely to be some of the most expensive assets that you keep your hands on. Not only might the tech itself be worthwhile but it can contain vital and valuable data on your business and customers (more on that later.) As such, you might want to fit all the tech in your business with tracking devices, so that it’s easy to locate them and send the police in the right direction if they are stolen. Securing your data Lastly, it’s important to recognize that, these days, not all theft is physical. Data theft is becoming much more prevalent, meaning that you have to do what you can to prevent unauthorized access to your data. This can mean using firewalls and anti-malware to protect your device, making sure that you and your team are trained to not fall for any phishing scams or similar attacks, and even going as far as to secure your blog. Not only can data loss be expensive, but you can also even be held legally liable if you lose client or customer data. There’s a lot you can do to protect your business from the threat of theft and the tips above can help you do just that. The more worth your assets have, the more protection you should make sure that you pay for. When people think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), they tend to think of movies where AI goes wrong and threatens the universe. Thankfully, the reality is far more boring.
AI is a range of systems that can perform tasks that generally rely on human intelligence to complete. This can include things like analysis and problem-solving. Marketing Marketers are beginning to use AI for a range of marketing tasks. From automating PPC campaigns to curating content and running chatbots and online chatroom software to engage customers. Amazon is one of the leaders in utilizing AI and use it for a number of things, including product recommendations. Cybersecurity Some companies are using AI to continuously analyse their IT network and identify traffic that deviates from normal activity. When abnormal or suspicious activity if identified, it can then work to protect the network. Cybersecurity is a priority for organizations of all sizes and a successful attack can be devastating both in terms of reputation and financially. Automated Recruitment HR and recruitment can be a very labour intensive process. With unemployment rising in the wake of COVID-19, there are hundreds, even thousands of applicants for every job. AI automation can be used to find and analyse candidate applications. Market Conditions Predicting changing market conditions is extremely difficult. The sheer amount of information that needs to be processed is impossible for a human to do. Instead, large investment firms and hedge funds use AI to analyze and predict the market. Health Care Machine learning is being adopted in the healthcare sector. With it, doctors can detect if a patient with an existing condition is deteriorating and intervene before they need hospital care. The pace of machine learning in healthcare is also leading to the earlier detection of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The sooner a condition is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment methods can be. This saves lives and saves money. Software Vulnerability Testing Software needs to be airtight when it comes to security. Any vulnerability can make it susceptible to attack. Companies are using AI models to detect vulnerabilities and predict attacks. Behavioural Analytics Using AI to identify negative behaviours is a controversial use of the technology, but nevertheless, some companies are finding it invaluable. It is used to identify bad behaviour within the workforce, it can even predict if someone is unhappy in their job and is thinking of leaving. Automated Accounting Today’s financial transactions take place online. The Fintech sector is incorporating AI into its products in order to automate things such as expense reporting, bookkeeping and data entry. Conclusion Businesses have barely scratched the surface when it comes to implementing AI. The sheer number of potential uses for it is difficult to imagine. As technology improves and the cost reduces, more and more industries are going to start using AI in many areas of their business. Right now, increasing numbers of people are deciding to set up their own small businesses. This is understandable. The coronavirus pandemic has seen hundreds of thousands lose their day to day jobs and the job market isn’t exactly bustling with new options for us to apply to. Many of us are looking for ways to make money in order to pay our bills and keep our lives on track. Nowadays, setting up a small business is easier than ever. All you have to have is something to sell and a website to sell it from. So, people are getting innovative. From selling face masks, hand sanitiser and other products that are in high demand right now to make some money until things get back to normal, to starting a small business with intentions for things to be longer term, setting up a company of your own could be the best thing you can do right now. Of course, if you’re going to set up a company, you’re going to have to really focus on security now. People are more desperate than ever, or simply recognise that new companies are cropping up and they’re more vulnerable, and this has led to an increase in crime, theft and more recently. So, here are a few ways to protect your new startup!
Physical Security First things first, let’s focus on physical security. Chances are you’re operating your business from home right now. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re completely free from risk of theft or attack. If you have stock in your home, you’re going to have to protect it. There are a couple of ways you can protect yourself from theft of stock. First, having a security gate entry system gives you perimeter security and access control for who can even be on the property. A security gate entry system could be a gate, a buzzer of a locked entry point. The physical presence of a gate entry system can deter potential intruders to your property. The next step, you may want to invest in security solutions from Securafit. There are multiple options you might want to consider. First, you should consider having some sort of CCTV system installed. Not only will this deter criminals from attempting to steal any of your stock with the threat of evidence of what they’re doing, but it will capture evidence of any crime that anyone does attempt to commit. Nowadays, you can get high quality systems at a really reasonable price. It’s definitely more than worth the investment. Plus, it protects your home from other domestic issues, such as burglary too! Next, you mighty want to invest in intruder alarms. This way, if someone does enter your property, an alarm will be triggered, alerting you to the issue and encouraging criminals to scarper before they’re caught. Digital Security Digital security is at the forefront of most business’ minds right now. Cyber criminals are aware that more and more businesses are operating from home and that new start ups are emerging on a remote basis. They are also aware that this means many businesses are vulnerable, as people are often working on insecure networks and may be prone to falling for phishing and other scams. Make sure to work with a competent IT solutions team to keep all of your data, documents and files secure! Keeping your remote business secure really is important, whether you’re planning on operating for the short term or the long term. Hopefully, some of this information will help you to achieve this and protect your profits! |
Author - chrisAuthor, Editor, Creator of this website. Archives
November 2024